Saturday, November 24, 2007
Comment's on Kevin's Implant Surgery
"Kevin's Story, Years of ED followed by Implant Surgery"
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drevil said...
Kevin your story is close to mine its almost scary. I'm 38 other than ED completely healthy. I had my implant on the 23 of Oct. 2007.
My doctors suggested waiting 6 weeks as well. I'm not a patient man and pumped it up last night for the first time. I sure hope that early pumping is not a true indicator of permanent size. I was large in relation to girth, but the 6.5 length was always sufficient when hard.
I have to admit I was horrified by the erect little penis before me last night. It was 4-4.5 inches long and half the original girth. It was like a slightly longer version of my thumb.
I was totally willing to lose up to an inch, and was hoping to gain some girth. Mortified on both accounts.
I agree that a smaller working penis is infinitely better than a larger non-functioning one, but the thing that I saw is not going to get the job done for my wife. I know she'll let me do my thing, but I am so tired of the sympathy screw, I would rather do with out.
I'm hoping that things change in a few weeks, but right now I'm scared as hell.
November 18, 2007 11:04 AM
Kevin said...
Hi drevil, This is Kevin, the person who's article you responded to on Bobs Blogspot.
I am now just past week 5 and just starting to pump my implant. I am writing this to discourage you from getting down to early. There is a huge healing process for your penis to go through, and as you have probably read it will take up to 12 weeks for you to be fully healed from this very invasive surgery.
At week 5 I am about 1 inch shorter than i was before surgery when I used Viagra. I have also lost quite a bit of size in the head ( That is expected as all the information tells you) Now in your story, you are not as far along as I am and you are already trying to measure a healing Penis by pumping. You are not going to reach maximum length and girth at this stage. And you are new to pumping, that is also a learning curve. I can tell you at 5 weeks I could pump more than I have, but at this stage it is just too soon and is very uncomfortable. I have also not regained some girth, but I am happy to be able to get hard and have an Orgasam. I just had my first sexual experience yesterday since surgery ( No not penetration, way too painful) But now I am hard I find I have much more feeling in my penis and I do not worry about losing it. I am sure given time both you and I will see increases in our penis size. Please be strong and wait some more time, I think you will find it will get better. I will keep you posted.
November 23, 2007 3:28 PM
drevil has left a new comment on your post "Kevin's Story, Years of ED followed by Implant Sur...":
Kevin thanks for you encouragement. My attitude has improved lately and I believe that I should achieve an adequate size to please my wife.
After much research I am convinced that my doctor used the preconnected AMS ultrex unit. Which has a max length of 18cm with up to 3 cm tip extenders. 7 cm seems too be a common proximal corpora (inside part)l length. 21cm - 7cm = 14cm. 14cm is about 5.5 inches. I have a follow up appointment with my Uro this week and I'll get the specifics. If my suspicions are correct, it will kinda suck because it means that instead of taking the time to get the most size, he took the easier ;albeit less room for error;route.
I have a couple pump questions for you though. My pump is actually bulb part down and on the inside of the testicle. Is yours? I've also notice that the first squeeze is extremely tough and it feels like it is caused by air bubbles.
My 6 month Anniversary
Dear Readers:
I'm just a couple days shy of a full six months post op with my penile implant. Wow, what a six months it has been. By a rough average, I have corresponded with almost 200 readers from around 30 countries. I wish all of you guys have as good a result with your surgery and implant as I have. I continue to enjoy my implant. I'm about a quarter inch in circumference greater in the circumference of my penis. I'm almost a 1/2 inch longer in length than my old length. I continue to exercise my penis with the implant daily and may be almost at the maximum length of my Ultrex implant with a little more left till I reach maximum. I'll get it stretched out to its max length and girth in a few months. We're visiting my daughter this weekend and the wife and I have taken a motel room over the Thanksgiving holiday. We are enjoying ourselves sexually as it's always fun having intercourse in a new bed. We definitely are in love with each other. God how I wish I'd had this implant in a 20 year old body. My wife and I both would have had trouble walking in the mornings. It may sound odd, but I so prefer the implant over the injections and over Viagra and cialis. I don't have the crappy side effects of Viagra and cialis. And the erections are as hard as the injections, but I control the length of time of my erection. And their is no pain from the injection, and now at six months, the erections from the implant are so comfortable and spontaneous. I can still pump it so hard, that I could feel pain in the head of my penis, but that isn't necessary because a really hard erection can be had without any discomfort what so ever. My wife comments that she loves feeling me inside her and riding my erection to orgasm in the women on top position. There are some men who have lost some length in their penis with an implant. The reasons for this are:
1. Prostatectomy removal due to cancer. Occurs in about 30% of men.
2. Scarring due to Peyronie's Disease. Your Urologist should do a scar tissue analysis of your penis and give you an informed opinion on how this will affect your post op length.
3. Scarring within the penis due to injections of vasoactive drugs, i.e.; Tri-mix, Bi-mix, and Caverject. You should see your Uro twice a year the first two years of use of vasoactive drugs and then at least once a year thereafter and ask your Uro to check you for scarring. Very important.
4. Injury to the penis. Men have experienced injury during intercourse as well as a blow to the penis can cause serious injury and scarring inside your penis.
5. Long standing impotence with very few erections over time. The penis is a muscle that surrounds spongy tissue. It needs regular erections to stretch oxygenate the tissue. When we started puberty, we started a process of nightly erections. If you are having serious impotence, get a vacuum erection pump and pump up that penis into a hard erection on a daily basis. I had a vacuum pump. I didn't use it for intercourse prior to my implant, but I did use it for masturbation on a regular basis. It just feels good having a full erection. All men know that feeling. If intercourse doesn't look very likely, find a few private moments, get a good erection, and masturbate your penis to orgasm. Studies show its very good for both prostate and good penis health. Men have more issues with BPH or enlarged prostate than men who have daily orgasms, either from intercourse or masturbation. We get a lot of recommendations on maintaining our bodies health. None of them compare and are as enjoyable as a good orgasm either with our partner, or just by ourselves. At 16, you beat that penis so often you were lucky you didn't have carpal tunnel problems. You don't have to match that level for good penis health.
6. And last but not least, poor sizing of a man's penis by the implant surgeon. Before going in to see the surgeon, take out a tape measure and take pictures to show to your surgeon with the date and time the pictures were taken. Inform the surgeon that you expect to obtain very close and similar results with the implant. Let your doctor know that you expect very similar length and girth results following surgery. Tell your surgeon that you expect to be no more than a half inch within those measurements after 6 weeks postop. That is a very realistic expectation. If he has any reservations of meeting and obtaining those measurements post op 6 weeks, then he needs to tell you upfront why before you let him perform surgery. Write up what was said during the interview, date & time of the interview and date and time you are writing out your notes. Those notes are not discoverable should you be in the very small percentage that has a poor result and you are forced into litigation. This should be a very successful operation. Do your research. I've been through the implant experience. I wrote this blog to help any man contemplating this procedure to have access to my experiences as well as having other men's written experiences to learn from. We fill the gap where you can learn the things that you really want to know about before letting someone filet your penis. The penis is a measure of who we are as men and if you ask men, which if you had a choice, part of your body you can live without. Your penis is the one part of our body that goes way to the bottom of my list. I also want to make the request of my readers. If you have implant surgery and feel comfortable about telling your experiences with ED and your experiences having implant surgery. I would love to post your story on this blog site. And if you are comfortable taking pictures of your penis either before surgery and after surgery with the implant, I would love for you to email me at
I promise you anonymity. This site is not a porn site. Men who study the pictures and read the stories aren't men who are looking to get off on the pictures of your penis and mine. The men who come to this website are guys who are suffering with erectile dysfunction and are looking for a method of returning to sexually active men again. I also get emails from many spouses and partners of impotent men who thank me for keeping this site active to help other men world wide. They praise the men who tell their stories and find the pictures we have posted to be very reassuring. One of the most often asked question that I receive is about how their genitals will appear following implant surgery. I can tell them without any doubt in my mind that no one can tell if they have an implant through just looking. If you touch my penis, you can't tell their are two cylinders inside the shaft of my penis. All that anybody can tell is by feeling the pump inside of my scrotum. At six months, I no longer even think about the pump anymore. During the day, I don't even feel the implant inside my genitals and scrotum inside my pants. When I urinate, my penis feels normal, looks normal. My penis is fuller and is longer than I was flaccid prior to my implant. My penis flaccid stays about 4 inches long and is fuller than it was pre-implant. My penis definitely sticks out of my pants when I urinate and is pretty easy to find inside my underwear now. But is also normal looking and doesn’t look like I have an erection. I'm going to try and post my 6 month post op pics sometime this week. What a post implant penis that is well healed looks like. I also need to compile a Frequently Asked Questions Post on this blog to also help answer my readers questions.
Take care of your penis and enjoy it for a lifetime.
Kindest regards
dr evil said...
I wish you would have placed this post before I had my surgery. Your advice on pre-op size pictures and documentation could have given me an extra 3cm. I have lost an 1 1/2 in. all because my doctor chose to go with the preconnected unit that AMS offers. The max length of tubes is 18 cm in this option. Eventhough AMS offers 21cm tubes which would have brought my loss up to 1/2 in.
Of course my doctors attitude is that my length is adequate and my remembered length is distorted. You see if a patient doesn't take the time to prove his pre-op size you have no contradictory evidence after the implant is in.
December 1, 2007 6:12 PM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Kevin's Story, Years of ED followed by Implant Surgery

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I'm pleased to introduce all of you to Kevin and to publish his story along with several pictures that he has graciously submitted to me for publishing on this blog. As I have said all along. I created this blog to become a learning resource, and to fill a real void that is out there. That void is information from those of us who have undergone surgery and had a surgical implant placed in our penis so that we could once again enjoy sexual relations with our partner's. If this is your first visit to my blog, than I would urge you to navigate to the beginning which starts in May 2007 and read all of the entries of this blog. You will then be able to read my experiences as well as view pictures that I took of myself all the way through my implant experience. You will also be able to read and view pictures of other men's implant experiences that are posted on the blog site. Today Kevin now joins a very select group of men who is willing to share his experiences with all of you. I really appreciated it when some very special men take the time to share with people who are from all over the world who are seeking as much information as they can about penile implant surgery to a very important part of our male bodies. This is Kevin's story as well as pictures of his penis both flacid and under the influence of viagra. Kevin had implant surgery a little over two weeks ago and will be sending me pictures which will be added to this blog site at a later point of his penis in the flacid as well as erect stage due to his implant. This is Kevin's story.
Hi Bob,
Great to hear back from you. I am very excited to have my implant and I will be very patient with it and not rush things along. Here is my story and I give you permission to publish my story on your blog. You are quite welcome to edit it in any way you see fit. Congratulations on the pending new web site, I would be very interested in helping in any way I can. I will do some pictures for you of the end result and you can also publish some pictures I had pre op, this might help people understand loss of length girth post op. Those were taken with Viagra, Viagra only worked for a short period once I initiated sex; maybe 15 minutes, then it usually would not stay erect for penetration leading up to my implant. So I had just had another disappointment at the Urologists office, I had been given a penile injection after a Doppler scan of my penis revealed low blood flow, The injection was the next thing after trying all the usual suspects, Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. All the pills had worked with limited success, I would get hard but then go down as I was about to penetrate, or the timing was off with my girlfriend. Sometimes the side effects were terrible, raging from headaches, heartburn!! Sometimes they never worked at all. So here I am lying on the Urologists table having an Injection placed in my penis for the first time, OUCH!!! and the real kicker was "Nothing" not a dam stirring in my penis after 30 minutes, now I was depressed.
So Dr M looks at me and says Kevin you might want to think about the Penile Implant as he pulls a model device from his white coat pocket. The thing looked huge; I thought to myself how the hell do they get all that in there? Anyway I listened intently and got as much information as I could from Dr M and then I went home and studied, going online and finding out as much information as I could about penile implants, the information which included Bob’s wonderful Blog gave me hope.
Then of course that dreaded word "Surgery" reared its head. I am sure that like most of you reading this, sex is so important to us guys, I decided right then if I could get my insurance to pay, I would ask Dr M to perform the surgery as soon as possible. That date turned out to be October 17th 2007 at 8am!!! Here is my ED story, I am sure some of you will feel I am lucky to have had this surgery, because as you will find out, my ED was never the side effect of Cancer or any other disease or ailment, and sometimes it just did not work and that just kept getting worse. It might also surprise some of you that my first Urologist visit was May 2007 and in October of the same year I have my implant in place.
The beginning of Erectile Dysfunction
My ED started as long ago as 1980 I was 20 years old and not married, my girlfriend at the time and I on occasions experienced erection difficulties that would make my penis go down before we had finished making love. This was the start, over the next 10 years I had intermittent problems but was successful most of the time. I got
married at 29 and my wife and I enjoyed a healthy sex life with the continuing intermittent issues and then at about age 35 I started to have real difficulty, suddenly semi erect or no erection at all. I am sure most of you can relate to the "once it starts it then becomes a terrible mental battle with yourself" thing. To keep this shor,t this is when I started the Viagra etc and my road towards the implant. I think we all find some sort of injustice, the why me syndrome. I was very lucky to be blessed with a large endowment, but I can tell you, there have been many times that I would have settled for a hard 5 inch penis than the thick 7.5 inches I had been granted by the penis god, that after age 35 would not reach its potential without assistance or sometimes not at all.
So here we are many year later, implant in place and this is my story as of 17 days Post op.
My procedure went very smoothly and on time. I had the best care possible and all of the staff at the hospital were wonderful. There was very little prep and my surgery was at 8am. I remember going in to the operating room, but was out pretty quickly, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up in the recovery room, all done. The rest of the day is kind of a blur, on pain medication and obviously the after effects of the surgery. The first night I had enough pain meds too keep myself from feeling much of anything, but I can tell you the next week was painful but bearable with the help of Oxycodone. The surgeon did a wonderful job, one incision in the scrotum and most of the bruising was actually at the base of the scrotum and in the penile shaft. There are several pictures showing my penis at the 14 day mark. I am sure most of you want to know is it really painful. Well the answer is NO, not really, more of very uncomfortable. The biggest problem I have had is sleeping. I tend to move around a lot in my sleep, and it keeps waking me up. After 2 weeks I have started to sleep better and the bruising and discomfort is diminishing.
Now there are different after care procedures depending on the surgeon, here is my post op care.
1. Surgeon phone call, day after procedure
2. 5 days after surgery Office visit for check up
3. 10 days post op, stitches removed
4. Next Visit 6 weeks Post op
My surgeon does not allow any pumping of the device until the six week mark. It is inflated 25% and left that way until my six week follow up. Your surgeon may be different, some allow pumping as early as two weeks post op. As of today I am feeling very positive about the surgery and I will keep you updated on my progress and will also provide updated photographs of the penis when my pumping starts. I have heard many stories of people being disappointed about losing some length, I guess that one throws me through a loop somewhat, because if you cannot get hard, Isn’t it better to lose an inch and be ready. I expect to lose an inch and I am willing to accept that for being able to maintain an erection.I will update my story at the six week mark, if you wish to contact me you can e mail me at
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Let me know if the pictures came through BOB, hope this is good material for your blog.
Best Regards,
Kevin (It is ok to use my real name)
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