Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Lost of Length in Prostatectomy Patients

Dear Readers:
I've been busy moving my daughter for Grad School, so I havent written anything for a while. I found this article publish in the Harvard Medical School Journal that may shed light on Prostatectomy Patients. It may also have ramifications in men with long standing ED who don't regularly experience erections to loose some length of their erections:

New Theory About Preserving Erectile Function After Prostate Surgery
Prostate Surgery

Erectile dysfunction after surgery to remove the prostate (radical prostatectomy) has traditionally been attributed to nerve damage that theoretically should heal over time.

But it can take as long as two years for the nerves to recover enough for a man to have an erection without the aid of drugs or devices. By that time, other damage may have occurred, according to an article in the latest issue of Perspectives on Prostate Disease.

The Harvard Medical School bulletin notes that when the penis is flaccid for long periods of time, it is deprived of a lot of oxygen-rich blood. Recent research suggests that this low oxygen level causes some muscle cells in the penis's erectile tissue to lose their flexibility. The tissue gradually becomes more like scar tissue, interfering with the penis's ability to expand when it's filled with blood.

Therefore, the traditional advice given to men -- to wait for erectile function to return on its own -- may not be adequate. Simply put, erections seem to work on a use-it-or-lose-it basis. To prevent the secondary damage that may occur if the penis goes too long without erections, researchers now think it's better to restore erectile function soon after prostate removal. Treatment options include using a vacuum pump device or taking erectile dysfunction drugs by mouth or by injection into the penis.

According to Dr. Marc Garnick, editor in chief of Perspectives on Prostate Disease and a Harvard oncologist, "Although the evidence supporting this 'penile rehabilitation' isn't perfect, you may want to ask your doctor about the options. Such early intervention may help increase the odds that you will regain erectile function."

1 comment:

  1. I had a protatectomy about 2 years ago. Two-3 months afterward my doctor gave me an injection presciption. Very quickly I realized that I was getting scar tissue or fibrosis from the injections. I would say that I used the injections maybe 2 dozen times.I guess maybe I am allergic or something. It got to the point that I could not inject thru the scar tissue. I had a 3-piece penile implant sept. 19. One and a half days later I am pretty sore with a grapefrit sized purple scrotum .
