Pictures show that bruising and swelling has gone
way down. Tom elected to have an AMS 700 LGX implant and instead of going through the scrotum, his doctor performed a Pubic Insertion.
Tom looks to be healing very nicely following implant surgery.
Tom K. Story Continued
Day 1 post surgery
Day 1 post surgery
I just got home from the hospital a few hours ago from getting my AMS LGX implanted. I'm pretty sore, but its not as bad as I thought it would be. I'm still a little loopy, so I can't write too much yet. Let me just say that everything seemed to go fine, except that when I woke up, I was in a lot of pain. Once I felt a little better, I reached down and noticed that I was wearing a supporter, and I had a catheter coming out of me, and it was glued and taped to my belly. With in two hours, I was sitting up some, and looking for some food! Later that night, my urologist told me that he had a hard time putting the tubes in, because I had scar tissue in my corpora's. By then, my pain was also under control due to the pain medications.
Day 2 post surgery.
Now down to what's going on. Last night was not a good night, I had to pee at least every 30 minutes all night. ! I couldn't point it down, so I had to lie on my side and pee into a jug they given me. Then the pain got a lot worse. My penis has swollen to the point where it almost looks like I've got a hard on. As of now, its gone down some, but its still sore.
Now down to what's going on. Last night was not a good night, I had to pee at least every 30 minutes all night. ! I couldn't point it down, so I had to lie on my side and pee into a jug they given me. Then the pain got a lot worse. My penis has swollen to the point where it almost looks like I've got a hard on. As of now, its gone down some, but its still sore.
Day 3 post surgery.
This is my third day now, and things are much better then yesterday. My pain level is much lower, and I'm able to sit up for a much longer time. I'm still black and blue on my sack, and my penis is still pretty swollen, but its improving. Its still hard to aim when I pee, but it sure beats having to use a bottle every time laying on my side! The swelling seems to be getting a little better due to using ice 24-7 since I got out of surgery.
Day's 4, 5, 6, and 7 post surgery.
On the forth day, my pain level increased quite a bit. I had to take more pain medicine then the day before, and the swelling has gone up a little. Most of the pain I'm feeling at this point is coming from my penis itself. It feels like it’s erect, and it’s harder to bend down to pee. One good thing is, my incision is healing up very well as can be seen in the day 3 and 10 pictures. Day seven started getting better again, and the swelling is dropping quickly, and so did the pain level.
Day's 8,9, and 10 post surgery.
On Day 8, I went and saw my urologist Doctor Kachel. He seemed very pleased to see how well I was healing, and that the swelling was way down! My pain level was very low, I didn't need anything for pain, and it felt much more normal to the touch. My hair is even starting to grow back, so it doesn't itch any more. I'm able to get out for short walks, and when I get back, there is still no pain. At this point, I have no regrets getting this surgery done.
This is my third day now, and things are much better then yesterday. My pain level is much lower, and I'm able to sit up for a much longer time. I'm still black and blue on my sack, and my penis is still pretty swollen, but its improving. Its still hard to aim when I pee, but it sure beats having to use a bottle every time laying on my side! The swelling seems to be getting a little better due to using ice 24-7 since I got out of surgery.
Day's 4, 5, 6, and 7 post surgery.
On the forth day, my pain level increased quite a bit. I had to take more pain medicine then the day before, and the swelling has gone up a little. Most of the pain I'm feeling at this point is coming from my penis itself. It feels like it’s erect, and it’s harder to bend down to pee. One good thing is, my incision is healing up very well as can be seen in the day 3 and 10 pictures. Day seven started getting better again, and the swelling is dropping quickly, and so did the pain level.
Day's 8,9, and 10 post surgery.
On Day 8, I went and saw my urologist Doctor Kachel. He seemed very pleased to see how well I was healing, and that the swelling was way down! My pain level was very low, I didn't need anything for pain, and it felt much more normal to the touch. My hair is even starting to grow back, so it doesn't itch any more. I'm able to get out for short walks, and when I get back, there is still no pain. At this point, I have no regrets getting this surgery done.
Day 3
Tom plans on submitting additional photos later on in his surgical recovery. The first thing you take away from Tom when you talk with him is here is a guy who doesn't let obstacles stop him from living life to its fullest. Tom works as an advocate for the blind, and yet he lives life to the fullest and doesn't allow a handicap to stand in his way. He serves as a role model to every man who has struggled with ED. Are you being handicapped by ED in your life? Are you letting it control and frustrate your life? I have spoken with dozens of men all over the world that allow fear to stop them from taking steps to regain control over their own sexuality. Fear doesn't control Tom's life. Tom is a man who doesn't let the difficulties of ED stop him. How about you?
Another view, Day 3 Post Op

Hi all, I'm a 48 year old man that's been having problems getting and keeping erections since I was in my twenties. I've tried many things to help, but one by one, they failed. I started with a V.E.D, but it hurt a lot when I put the tight ring around the base, so for quite a few years, I just had my wife go down on it, that would bring it up. Then I had to get it in her as fast as I could so I didn't lose it. Still, I'd lose it about half of the time. Then when viagra came out, I used it, but it was hit or miss. I even tried the other two pills, and it was the same problem. The next thing I tried was, Trimix injections. They worked great for a long time, but in the last six months, my whole penis would really hurt for as long as it was hard. I couldn't get into sex with that much pain, so I started looking into an implant. After a lot of research, I decided to go with the AMS 700 LGX. These photo's are of me right before I went into the hospital to have it done.
Tom K.
Another view, Day 3 Post Op
Frontal View Day 3 Postop
Tom has bruising occurring in his scrotal area
Day 3 Post Op with Pubic Incision
Dear Readers:
It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Tom K who just underwent implant surgery a week ago and has agreed to share his story, his experiences, and pictures to those of you considering Penile Implant Surgery. Tom is also very unique to this blog site for Tom has been blind for many years now, yet he refuses to let blindness get in his way of enjoying life to it's fullest. Tom is also the first man to this site in that he is the first gentleman to experience a pubic insertion of his implant over the traditional scrotal insertion. There are advantages and disadvantages to both surgical methods. It is more a matter of surgical preference by the surgeon. Tom is at home recovering from his surgery this week and I have talked to him by phone on several occasions. I had hoped to have his story up last week, but was waylaid by walking pneumonia with a systemic staph infection thrown in. Taking three different antibiotics left yours truely looking for the license plate of the truck I got hit with. Pneumonia with diabetes is not a good combination. So with out any further ado, here is Tom's story. And as always, I am deeply indebted to all of the gentlemen who have contributed to this blog to make it the site that it has become.
Hi all, I'm a 48 year old man that's been having problems getting and keeping erections since I was in my twenties. I've tried many things to help, but one by one, they failed. I started with a V.E.D, but it hurt a lot when I put the tight ring around the base, so for quite a few years, I just had my wife go down on it, that would bring it up. Then I had to get it in her as fast as I could so I didn't lose it. Still, I'd lose it about half of the time. Then when viagra came out, I used it, but it was hit or miss. I even tried the other two pills, and it was the same problem. The next thing I tried was, Trimix injections. They worked great for a long time, but in the last six months, my whole penis would really hurt for as long as it was hard. I couldn't get into sex with that much pain, so I started looking into an implant. After a lot of research, I decided to go with the AMS 700 LGX. These photo's are of me right before I went into the hospital to have it done.
Tom K.
I have spoken to Tom on several occasions and wish to get in contact with him again. I had his phone number but lost it when I got a new cell phone. I was wondering if this post would reach Tom and if so, he could call me. He has my number. I am the guy from Mechanicsburg, PA and we share the same doctor. Tom give me a call. BOB
ReplyDeleteTom, this is BOB from Mechanicsburg, PA we share the same doctor in Camp Hill. We have talked several times about my implant and issues regarding it, etc. I lost your number when I got a new cell phone. You have my number. Call when you have a chance. I have questions. Thanks