Saturday, November 24, 2007
Comment's on Kevin's Implant Surgery
"Kevin's Story, Years of ED followed by Implant Surgery"
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drevil said...
Kevin your story is close to mine its almost scary. I'm 38 other than ED completely healthy. I had my implant on the 23 of Oct. 2007.
My doctors suggested waiting 6 weeks as well. I'm not a patient man and pumped it up last night for the first time. I sure hope that early pumping is not a true indicator of permanent size. I was large in relation to girth, but the 6.5 length was always sufficient when hard.
I have to admit I was horrified by the erect little penis before me last night. It was 4-4.5 inches long and half the original girth. It was like a slightly longer version of my thumb.
I was totally willing to lose up to an inch, and was hoping to gain some girth. Mortified on both accounts.
I agree that a smaller working penis is infinitely better than a larger non-functioning one, but the thing that I saw is not going to get the job done for my wife. I know she'll let me do my thing, but I am so tired of the sympathy screw, I would rather do with out.
I'm hoping that things change in a few weeks, but right now I'm scared as hell.
November 18, 2007 11:04 AM
Kevin said...
Hi drevil, This is Kevin, the person who's article you responded to on Bobs Blogspot.
I am now just past week 5 and just starting to pump my implant. I am writing this to discourage you from getting down to early. There is a huge healing process for your penis to go through, and as you have probably read it will take up to 12 weeks for you to be fully healed from this very invasive surgery.
At week 5 I am about 1 inch shorter than i was before surgery when I used Viagra. I have also lost quite a bit of size in the head ( That is expected as all the information tells you) Now in your story, you are not as far along as I am and you are already trying to measure a healing Penis by pumping. You are not going to reach maximum length and girth at this stage. And you are new to pumping, that is also a learning curve. I can tell you at 5 weeks I could pump more than I have, but at this stage it is just too soon and is very uncomfortable. I have also not regained some girth, but I am happy to be able to get hard and have an Orgasam. I just had my first sexual experience yesterday since surgery ( No not penetration, way too painful) But now I am hard I find I have much more feeling in my penis and I do not worry about losing it. I am sure given time both you and I will see increases in our penis size. Please be strong and wait some more time, I think you will find it will get better. I will keep you posted.
November 23, 2007 3:28 PM
drevil has left a new comment on your post "Kevin's Story, Years of ED followed by Implant Sur...":
Kevin thanks for you encouragement. My attitude has improved lately and I believe that I should achieve an adequate size to please my wife.
After much research I am convinced that my doctor used the preconnected AMS ultrex unit. Which has a max length of 18cm with up to 3 cm tip extenders. 7 cm seems too be a common proximal corpora (inside part)l length. 21cm - 7cm = 14cm. 14cm is about 5.5 inches. I have a follow up appointment with my Uro this week and I'll get the specifics. If my suspicions are correct, it will kinda suck because it means that instead of taking the time to get the most size, he took the easier ;albeit less room for error;route.
I have a couple pump questions for you though. My pump is actually bulb part down and on the inside of the testicle. Is yours? I've also notice that the first squeeze is extremely tough and it feels like it is caused by air bubbles.
My 6 month Anniversary
Dear Readers:
I'm just a couple days shy of a full six months post op with my penile implant. Wow, what a six months it has been. By a rough average, I have corresponded with almost 200 readers from around 30 countries. I wish all of you guys have as good a result with your surgery and implant as I have. I continue to enjoy my implant. I'm about a quarter inch in circumference greater in the circumference of my penis. I'm almost a 1/2 inch longer in length than my old length. I continue to exercise my penis with the implant daily and may be almost at the maximum length of my Ultrex implant with a little more left till I reach maximum. I'll get it stretched out to its max length and girth in a few months. We're visiting my daughter this weekend and the wife and I have taken a motel room over the Thanksgiving holiday. We are enjoying ourselves sexually as it's always fun having intercourse in a new bed. We definitely are in love with each other. God how I wish I'd had this implant in a 20 year old body. My wife and I both would have had trouble walking in the mornings. It may sound odd, but I so prefer the implant over the injections and over Viagra and cialis. I don't have the crappy side effects of Viagra and cialis. And the erections are as hard as the injections, but I control the length of time of my erection. And their is no pain from the injection, and now at six months, the erections from the implant are so comfortable and spontaneous. I can still pump it so hard, that I could feel pain in the head of my penis, but that isn't necessary because a really hard erection can be had without any discomfort what so ever. My wife comments that she loves feeling me inside her and riding my erection to orgasm in the women on top position. There are some men who have lost some length in their penis with an implant. The reasons for this are:
1. Prostatectomy removal due to cancer. Occurs in about 30% of men.
2. Scarring due to Peyronie's Disease. Your Urologist should do a scar tissue analysis of your penis and give you an informed opinion on how this will affect your post op length.
3. Scarring within the penis due to injections of vasoactive drugs, i.e.; Tri-mix, Bi-mix, and Caverject. You should see your Uro twice a year the first two years of use of vasoactive drugs and then at least once a year thereafter and ask your Uro to check you for scarring. Very important.
4. Injury to the penis. Men have experienced injury during intercourse as well as a blow to the penis can cause serious injury and scarring inside your penis.
5. Long standing impotence with very few erections over time. The penis is a muscle that surrounds spongy tissue. It needs regular erections to stretch oxygenate the tissue. When we started puberty, we started a process of nightly erections. If you are having serious impotence, get a vacuum erection pump and pump up that penis into a hard erection on a daily basis. I had a vacuum pump. I didn't use it for intercourse prior to my implant, but I did use it for masturbation on a regular basis. It just feels good having a full erection. All men know that feeling. If intercourse doesn't look very likely, find a few private moments, get a good erection, and masturbate your penis to orgasm. Studies show its very good for both prostate and good penis health. Men have more issues with BPH or enlarged prostate than men who have daily orgasms, either from intercourse or masturbation. We get a lot of recommendations on maintaining our bodies health. None of them compare and are as enjoyable as a good orgasm either with our partner, or just by ourselves. At 16, you beat that penis so often you were lucky you didn't have carpal tunnel problems. You don't have to match that level for good penis health.
6. And last but not least, poor sizing of a man's penis by the implant surgeon. Before going in to see the surgeon, take out a tape measure and take pictures to show to your surgeon with the date and time the pictures were taken. Inform the surgeon that you expect to obtain very close and similar results with the implant. Let your doctor know that you expect very similar length and girth results following surgery. Tell your surgeon that you expect to be no more than a half inch within those measurements after 6 weeks postop. That is a very realistic expectation. If he has any reservations of meeting and obtaining those measurements post op 6 weeks, then he needs to tell you upfront why before you let him perform surgery. Write up what was said during the interview, date & time of the interview and date and time you are writing out your notes. Those notes are not discoverable should you be in the very small percentage that has a poor result and you are forced into litigation. This should be a very successful operation. Do your research. I've been through the implant experience. I wrote this blog to help any man contemplating this procedure to have access to my experiences as well as having other men's written experiences to learn from. We fill the gap where you can learn the things that you really want to know about before letting someone filet your penis. The penis is a measure of who we are as men and if you ask men, which if you had a choice, part of your body you can live without. Your penis is the one part of our body that goes way to the bottom of my list. I also want to make the request of my readers. If you have implant surgery and feel comfortable about telling your experiences with ED and your experiences having implant surgery. I would love to post your story on this blog site. And if you are comfortable taking pictures of your penis either before surgery and after surgery with the implant, I would love for you to email me at
I promise you anonymity. This site is not a porn site. Men who study the pictures and read the stories aren't men who are looking to get off on the pictures of your penis and mine. The men who come to this website are guys who are suffering with erectile dysfunction and are looking for a method of returning to sexually active men again. I also get emails from many spouses and partners of impotent men who thank me for keeping this site active to help other men world wide. They praise the men who tell their stories and find the pictures we have posted to be very reassuring. One of the most often asked question that I receive is about how their genitals will appear following implant surgery. I can tell them without any doubt in my mind that no one can tell if they have an implant through just looking. If you touch my penis, you can't tell their are two cylinders inside the shaft of my penis. All that anybody can tell is by feeling the pump inside of my scrotum. At six months, I no longer even think about the pump anymore. During the day, I don't even feel the implant inside my genitals and scrotum inside my pants. When I urinate, my penis feels normal, looks normal. My penis is fuller and is longer than I was flaccid prior to my implant. My penis flaccid stays about 4 inches long and is fuller than it was pre-implant. My penis definitely sticks out of my pants when I urinate and is pretty easy to find inside my underwear now. But is also normal looking and doesn’t look like I have an erection. I'm going to try and post my 6 month post op pics sometime this week. What a post implant penis that is well healed looks like. I also need to compile a Frequently Asked Questions Post on this blog to also help answer my readers questions.
Take care of your penis and enjoy it for a lifetime.
Kindest regards
dr evil said...
I wish you would have placed this post before I had my surgery. Your advice on pre-op size pictures and documentation could have given me an extra 3cm. I have lost an 1 1/2 in. all because my doctor chose to go with the preconnected unit that AMS offers. The max length of tubes is 18 cm in this option. Eventhough AMS offers 21cm tubes which would have brought my loss up to 1/2 in.
Of course my doctors attitude is that my length is adequate and my remembered length is distorted. You see if a patient doesn't take the time to prove his pre-op size you have no contradictory evidence after the implant is in.
December 1, 2007 6:12 PM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Kevin's Story, Years of ED followed by Implant Surgery

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I'm pleased to introduce all of you to Kevin and to publish his story along with several pictures that he has graciously submitted to me for publishing on this blog. As I have said all along. I created this blog to become a learning resource, and to fill a real void that is out there. That void is information from those of us who have undergone surgery and had a surgical implant placed in our penis so that we could once again enjoy sexual relations with our partner's. If this is your first visit to my blog, than I would urge you to navigate to the beginning which starts in May 2007 and read all of the entries of this blog. You will then be able to read my experiences as well as view pictures that I took of myself all the way through my implant experience. You will also be able to read and view pictures of other men's implant experiences that are posted on the blog site. Today Kevin now joins a very select group of men who is willing to share his experiences with all of you. I really appreciated it when some very special men take the time to share with people who are from all over the world who are seeking as much information as they can about penile implant surgery to a very important part of our male bodies. This is Kevin's story as well as pictures of his penis both flacid and under the influence of viagra. Kevin had implant surgery a little over two weeks ago and will be sending me pictures which will be added to this blog site at a later point of his penis in the flacid as well as erect stage due to his implant. This is Kevin's story.
Hi Bob,
Great to hear back from you. I am very excited to have my implant and I will be very patient with it and not rush things along. Here is my story and I give you permission to publish my story on your blog. You are quite welcome to edit it in any way you see fit. Congratulations on the pending new web site, I would be very interested in helping in any way I can. I will do some pictures for you of the end result and you can also publish some pictures I had pre op, this might help people understand loss of length girth post op. Those were taken with Viagra, Viagra only worked for a short period once I initiated sex; maybe 15 minutes, then it usually would not stay erect for penetration leading up to my implant. So I had just had another disappointment at the Urologists office, I had been given a penile injection after a Doppler scan of my penis revealed low blood flow, The injection was the next thing after trying all the usual suspects, Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. All the pills had worked with limited success, I would get hard but then go down as I was about to penetrate, or the timing was off with my girlfriend. Sometimes the side effects were terrible, raging from headaches, heartburn!! Sometimes they never worked at all. So here I am lying on the Urologists table having an Injection placed in my penis for the first time, OUCH!!! and the real kicker was "Nothing" not a dam stirring in my penis after 30 minutes, now I was depressed.
So Dr M looks at me and says Kevin you might want to think about the Penile Implant as he pulls a model device from his white coat pocket. The thing looked huge; I thought to myself how the hell do they get all that in there? Anyway I listened intently and got as much information as I could from Dr M and then I went home and studied, going online and finding out as much information as I could about penile implants, the information which included Bob’s wonderful Blog gave me hope.
Then of course that dreaded word "Surgery" reared its head. I am sure that like most of you reading this, sex is so important to us guys, I decided right then if I could get my insurance to pay, I would ask Dr M to perform the surgery as soon as possible. That date turned out to be October 17th 2007 at 8am!!! Here is my ED story, I am sure some of you will feel I am lucky to have had this surgery, because as you will find out, my ED was never the side effect of Cancer or any other disease or ailment, and sometimes it just did not work and that just kept getting worse. It might also surprise some of you that my first Urologist visit was May 2007 and in October of the same year I have my implant in place.
The beginning of Erectile Dysfunction
My ED started as long ago as 1980 I was 20 years old and not married, my girlfriend at the time and I on occasions experienced erection difficulties that would make my penis go down before we had finished making love. This was the start, over the next 10 years I had intermittent problems but was successful most of the time. I got
married at 29 and my wife and I enjoyed a healthy sex life with the continuing intermittent issues and then at about age 35 I started to have real difficulty, suddenly semi erect or no erection at all. I am sure most of you can relate to the "once it starts it then becomes a terrible mental battle with yourself" thing. To keep this shor,t this is when I started the Viagra etc and my road towards the implant. I think we all find some sort of injustice, the why me syndrome. I was very lucky to be blessed with a large endowment, but I can tell you, there have been many times that I would have settled for a hard 5 inch penis than the thick 7.5 inches I had been granted by the penis god, that after age 35 would not reach its potential without assistance or sometimes not at all.
So here we are many year later, implant in place and this is my story as of 17 days Post op.
My procedure went very smoothly and on time. I had the best care possible and all of the staff at the hospital were wonderful. There was very little prep and my surgery was at 8am. I remember going in to the operating room, but was out pretty quickly, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up in the recovery room, all done. The rest of the day is kind of a blur, on pain medication and obviously the after effects of the surgery. The first night I had enough pain meds too keep myself from feeling much of anything, but I can tell you the next week was painful but bearable with the help of Oxycodone. The surgeon did a wonderful job, one incision in the scrotum and most of the bruising was actually at the base of the scrotum and in the penile shaft. There are several pictures showing my penis at the 14 day mark. I am sure most of you want to know is it really painful. Well the answer is NO, not really, more of very uncomfortable. The biggest problem I have had is sleeping. I tend to move around a lot in my sleep, and it keeps waking me up. After 2 weeks I have started to sleep better and the bruising and discomfort is diminishing.
Now there are different after care procedures depending on the surgeon, here is my post op care.
1. Surgeon phone call, day after procedure
2. 5 days after surgery Office visit for check up
3. 10 days post op, stitches removed
4. Next Visit 6 weeks Post op
My surgeon does not allow any pumping of the device until the six week mark. It is inflated 25% and left that way until my six week follow up. Your surgeon may be different, some allow pumping as early as two weeks post op. As of today I am feeling very positive about the surgery and I will keep you updated on my progress and will also provide updated photographs of the penis when my pumping starts. I have heard many stories of people being disappointed about losing some length, I guess that one throws me through a loop somewhat, because if you cannot get hard, Isn’t it better to lose an inch and be ready. I expect to lose an inch and I am willing to accept that for being able to maintain an erection.I will update my story at the six week mark, if you wish to contact me you can e mail me at
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Let me know if the pictures came through BOB, hope this is good material for your blog.
Best Regards,
Kevin (It is ok to use my real name)
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Dear Readers
I received a question this week from one of my readers concerning the implant and riding a motorcycle. While I don't ride a bike, the implant has become so comfortable that it is very easy to forget all about it during the day. It's designed to be internal and completely out of the way of everyday activities. The cylinders are completely internal inside the penis and when flacid, are completely deflated. The reservoir is internal inside the body. The only part of the pump that isn't protected is the pump located inside the scrotum. Shortly after receiving the implant my right testicle was pretty tender and sore. Now that I am completely healed, the pump doesn't seem to effect my testicle at all. I have rode a regular bike on an 18 mile ride with no pain or dificulty what so ever.
A complaint that is often heard is some men have lost some length of erection following implant surgery. While this still remains a small percentage of men, it is a valid concern among us men. We are used to a particular length andnobody enjoys losing so much as a single milimeter off our erections. Erectile Dysfunction is due to different disease states. We have to realize that when ED happens, we need to treat this condition as an urgent problem and get help right away. Delaying treatment means trouble down the road. Erections are needed to bring vitally needed oxygen to our penis. Lack of oxygen will result in tissue becoming stiff and possible scar tissue forming. The tissue inside the penis needs to be kept be kept stretched and flexible to retain both girth and length. Guys, if you are having ED, you need to see your doctor for viagra, cialis, a vacuum pump, or even start using shots of a vaso-active drugs. You need to keep having several erections every week. You cannot let impotence stop you from having erections and also having ejaculations to keep your penis healthy. I spent 17 years working in Histopathology or the study of tissue. I know from experience and training how necessary this is. In addition, while I'm on my soapbox, if you smoke, quit. Yeah, yeah I know its tough. I was an idiot to. I quit about 18 years ago after starting smoking in the Army. Get your high cholesterol under control, and exercise. I developed Insulin Dependant Diabetes over 20 years a go. For me, it was a wake up call. I changed the way I lived. Watched what I ate, got fit, and saw my doctor. When I developed ED, I got it treated. With my implant, I haven't lose any length. My penis is still healthy and able to stretch because of the steps I took years ago. I'm hoping that you are keeping yourself as healthy as you can.
Take care
Saturday, October 6, 2007
I've begun to experience an increase in length
Hello Readers:
It's October all ready and I can't believe how the time has gone by. I continue to enjoy my implant. Because I mostly sleep on my side or on my back at night, I often pump an erection and leave it pumped erect all night long. I've started seeing an increase in length now. All my life, my penis has measured exactly five and a half inches. Now when I pump my penis to a respectable erection, my length has increased to five and three quarters inches. I have pumped it hard to where it gets uncomfortable and it reaches a solid six inches. I believe it time that my penis will increase in length to six inches and remain comfortable at that length. I have the AMS 700 Ultrex penile implant and I quickly regained my old length after I was allowed to use the implant. I find that it feels very comfortable now when I pump up a reasonable erection that is nice and firm. My erection feels very comfortable while having intercourse with zero discomfort what so ever. It feels very natural to me. If I could not feel the pump in my scrotum and had my current erection, I would not be able to tell the difference at all from the erections I had at twenty years old. Only difference. This erection does not go down after I ejaculate. I stay hard and can enjoy the feelings and continue thrusting away often bringing another orgasm for my wife. She never gets cheated out of having an orgasm now. I LOVE THIS IMPLANT. If you opt for an implant, I highly recomend the AMS Ultrex implant. The vast majority of men are having very enjoyable sex with their partners using this implant. Knowing what I know now, I really wish I had taken this route years before I did. This was the best thing, next to my insulin pump, that I have done for myself and my wife. I sincerely hope that you enjoy and your spouse or partner enjoy the implant and the wonderful rock solid hard on's as much as my wife and I do. It's a wonderful feeling to have the spontanaety of sex put back into our marriage. If my wife and I desire sex, I am hard as a rock in under 30 seconds. Try achieving that with viagra or shots.
Take care and turn the lights off. It's going to be one of those nights where I'm busy again feeling the earth move.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Lost of Length in Prostatectomy Patients
Dear Readers:
I've been busy moving my daughter for Grad School, so I havent written anything for a while. I found this article publish in the Harvard Medical School Journal that may shed light on Prostatectomy Patients. It may also have ramifications in men with long standing ED who don't regularly experience erections to loose some length of their erections:
New Theory About Preserving Erectile Function After Prostate Surgery
Prostate Surgery
Erectile dysfunction after surgery to remove the prostate (radical prostatectomy) has traditionally been attributed to nerve damage that theoretically should heal over time.
But it can take as long as two years for the nerves to recover enough for a man to have an erection without the aid of drugs or devices. By that time, other damage may have occurred, according to an article in the latest issue of Perspectives on Prostate Disease.
The Harvard Medical School bulletin notes that when the penis is flaccid for long periods of time, it is deprived of a lot of oxygen-rich blood. Recent research suggests that this low oxygen level causes some muscle cells in the penis's erectile tissue to lose their flexibility. The tissue gradually becomes more like scar tissue, interfering with the penis's ability to expand when it's filled with blood.
Therefore, the traditional advice given to men -- to wait for erectile function to return on its own -- may not be adequate. Simply put, erections seem to work on a use-it-or-lose-it basis. To prevent the secondary damage that may occur if the penis goes too long without erections, researchers now think it's better to restore erectile function soon after prostate removal. Treatment options include using a vacuum pump device or taking erectile dysfunction drugs by mouth or by injection into the penis.
According to Dr. Marc Garnick, editor in chief of Perspectives on Prostate Disease and a Harvard oncologist, "Although the evidence supporting this 'penile rehabilitation' isn't perfect, you may want to ask your doctor about the options. Such early intervention may help increase the odds that you will regain erectile function."
Monday, August 27, 2007
Peyronies' Disease, Tom's Story
Dear Readers:
I've been in touch with a gentleman that I'll call Tom as he has asked me not to use his real name. Tom just got home from the hospital yesterday after having had penile implant surgery on Friday. Tom developed his ED from Peyronies Desease and has graciously given his permission to post his story on this site. With each man's story, all of you out there can receive a sense of what other men have gone through in their struggle with their particular ED. And also how they have reached their personal decision on implant surgery. So a special thank you to Tom, and here is his story.
great blog. I have been reading it all day after getting my AMS 700
implanted yesterday. I also had peyronies....not sure why. It just
started at 43 yrs old and kept getting worse every month.
Cialis started to make me
irritable and sleepless, then i finally gave up when tissue shrinkage
started this year. i used to be 4.5 flaccid and 6.5 erect. As of a
few days ago,i was down to 3.75 flaccid and about 6 erect. That cold
shrivel caused me more stress than the lousy erections and the curve!
I have a few questions for you:
when did/how did your peyronies come about? and how did it progess?
How old are you?? Your libido sounds realy good and most guys with
implants are a lot older than me (46) Is it true that ams 700 can
achieve 20% additional length?? where did you hear that? My doc said I
may gain length, but i thought he was just trying to sound positive??
I had ED due to Juvenile Diabetes, but developed scarring after thirteen years of injections of caverject, Bi-mix, and Tri-mix. My libido was considerably lower while using injections. Even though I've been injecting several hundreds of thousands of shots of insulin, the experience of possible pain from the injection and having to get up and take the ^$#&&* shot kind of took away the desire where as now, just a few pumps and I'm ready to go. I'm good for once a night. My wife's libido over the years has been much, much higher than mine. It's only with the implant, that my confidence level is really high. Sex is no longer a chore, but much more spontaneous. The AMS 700 Ultrex has the ability to expand upwards of 20% of the length of the cylinder. As Fred attests, and I can attest to, most men may lose some length following surgery due to scarring or from lack of use, contraction of the tissue etc. But over time, the Ultrex puts pressure on the tissues of the penis to stretch in length and what I've heard from other men, their penis grows in length some. During the day, I keep a little tension on my penis by pumping it up a bit to keep things full all day long, but not to the point where it is uncomfortable to bend. I leave it comfortably full. This in effect put some slight pressure on the tissues. Over time, tissues will begin to grow to relieve the pressure on the them. I didn't have much luck either with Viagra and Cialis. Cialis left me with a sour stomach and Viagra gave me a headache and a so so erection. You and your girlfriend are going to love the implant when you get healed up. At 6 weeks, you are healed enough to engage in intercourse, but you need to take it easy at first or you will experience some discomfort in the head of your penis. I'm hitting the 12 week mark and that is about the ideal point in the healing process. Sex becomes very pleasant and enjoyable at this point. Congratulations on the implant. If you ever want to contribute to my blog, I would be very appreciative. You are the first Peyronie's patient that I've heard from who has had the Ultrex implanted and it would greatly benefit others who are walking in your shoes and looking for information to make a decision on the surgery. My eventual goal is to create a website with men's stories filed under Peyronie's, Prostatectomy, Diabetes, and miscellaneous of reason's for their ED and what their experiences with implant surgery has been. I'm also looking for pictures so that men can see what the penis looks like shortly after surgery, through the recovery period, and what the end result looks like. Did you experience much pain after surgery. Your thoughts and feelings on having the surgery and was what you expected. What you are happy about, not happy with. It's your story and I don't want it sugar coated. The men who read my blog are looking for the truth and I've tried to do that. I've also tried very hard to describe my experiences and the response has been overwhelming. I've heard from men from all over the world and I'm just blown away by the outpouring of emotion. So if you would like to help other guys, especially Peyronie's patients, send me from time to time your experiences and if you are comfortable with, include pictures. Many of the men have told me the pictures are invaluable. Hearing a story separately is great. Putting a picture with it is off the charts. This blog that I have started is the only one of its kind anywhere on the internet. It covers a topic that is very difficult for men to contemplate. Implants basically mutilate the penis permanently. And there is no turning back, so men really want to be sure of this before going into this surgery. That was my motivation for creating this blog and eventually, I want to turn it into a permanent website. So Tom, thank you for your email.
Thanks for your response Bob.
My story and recollection of pain is very fresh as I am still at home recuperating.....I had the surgery Friday afternoon!
I was TOTALLY freaked out about this condition and possible solutions to it. It became a mad obsession for the past 2.5 years. After losing my wife in 2002, I was as healthy and horny as any guy in his early 40's. But within 6 months, I started getting a strange coldness in the tip and left side of my penis.
NOBODY could tell me what it was. Not ONE UROLOGIST ANYWHERE....they all said it was probably mental!
In retrospect, what I think was feeling with the beginning coldness was the beginnings of scar formation from years of competitive biking. A few months after the coldness started, I finally met a beautiful girl and started dating. After the first 2 weeks, I noticed that the coldness problem was now interfering with normal erectile response. So I started occasionally relying on a low dose of cialis....seemed to be a solution for a time.....but within 4 months, this became less reliable and I noticed a shrinking flaccid state and a left curvature starting to develop at low pressure levels of erection. It was then that I first started to worry that my problem could be Peyronie’s Disease.
Despite this presumption, it took me over a year before I travelled to see my first Urologist who specialized in Peyronie’s. Then I travelled some more,....I saw 5 guys around the country who claimed to be specialists in Peyronie’s cases. However, even with this specialty designation, I found most of these guys to be quacks who just wanted to do endless tests before cutting on you in some way or starting you on some bizarre drug cocktail or herbal regimen. Despite what any of them said, my own research was slowly convincing me that the only true reliable cure for the Peyronie’s condition was a penile implant. Most of these docs would not tell you that,....mainly because none of them were implant surgeons! And none of the implant surgeons "specialized" in Peyronie’s because it was such a small subset of the implant market that it was not worth their time......Peyronie’s patients were just another customer to them. It took me 2 years to figure this out.
The story from there is very long and tedious, because changes took place microscopically over the next 2.5 years. Sometimes I actually thought I was getting better,, then it would take a turn for the worse.
Despite what you may read about Peyronie’s running it's course in a year, it’s often is a progressive disease that just keeps getting worse. Fast fwd to 2007 where I found myself this Spring with a constant, noticeable curve while erect, less sensitivity on the left side, unreliable responses to a constant (3x per week) regimen of Cialis (I too hated the side effects) and a flaccid state that was so shriveled, cold, curved and insensitive that I felt feelings of inferiority around other men. It actually affected my ability to sleep, relax, and to just be myself around family, friends and co-workers. I could still have sex, but it was with great anxiety, not as much feelings of pleasure (Cialis makes it harder to orgasm) and a penis that would become embarrassingly small and lifeless just minute’s after intercourse (I had to hide it from her view). My girlfriend was aware of the Peyronie’s problem,, but discouraged me from surgery as most would. She was NOT aware of how much I gulped down drugs and how miserable I was through every day frantically digging in my pockets, worrying about my dwindling flaccid state.
Oddly, my final decision was based not on the desire to be ABLE to have sex (I still could with heavy Cialis) but to ENJOY sex again, enjoy passive intimacy (holding hands, cuddling on the couch, pressing hip to hip while kissing) and to walk around the office, the gym and home feeling like a man again who has not had his penis amputated!
As of right now, I am laying around in great pain, but already satisfied with the feeling of 100% of me restored in my underwear! It is like what I am sure a breast cancer amputee must feel like after getting breast implants. Bob, I even think I am still capable of getting a little hard as I can feel it down there when my girlfriend cuddles with me in her night gown while I am on the couch gets engorged! But best of all, I feel like I finally have something pushing back against all that damned scar tissue that has been slowly and literally squeezing the life out of my penis for the past 3 years.
Even if it shrinks (my doc say he thinks I may actually gain length), even if it has a softer head (it looks and feels good already), even if it has a slight curve (it still does now, uninflated), then that will all be ok, because It feels SOOOOO good to have my normal flaccid size back in my crotch. My state of mind in the past 3 days has been nothing short of remarkable....I am me again!! Even with 4-5 hours sleep from the pain of recovering I am in a great mood, i am joking and confident,......cocky!
Maybe that is where the term comes from?!
I will keep you posted, but for now all i can say is that after obsessing about this decision for over 2 years....all the way up to the moment before they put me under sedation, I have no regrets.
Feel free to use my story, but not my name.
Talk soon,
Friday, August 24, 2007
Fred's Penile Implant Pictures
Fred's Penile Implant Experiences
Hi Bob!
I did a little recapping without trying to write a book. I could probably reduce it down further if you need but here are the highlights of my trip....what a trip!
Dear Readers:
A couple of weeks ago, I asked for your submissions and pictures and detail your experiences with your Erectile Dysfunction and how you came to have a penile implant surgically implanted to cure your ED. Today I am happy to introduce to you Fred who took me up on my request. It is only through sharing our experiences, can the men who are coming behind us can learn what to expect should they choose this form of treatment.
Fred had his first implant way back in 1991 and has recently had an AMS 700 Ultrex implanted to replace that first implant which failed. I wish to thank Fred for submitting his story and for furnishing pictures of what is a successful outcome. Fred lost his prostate due to cancer as have many of you who read this website. This is Fred’s story
I will highlight my adventure with the AMS 700 Ultra planted firmly within. The story began with a late night call from my MD in effect said get your house in order. In '91 not much was known about prostate cancer other than take it out. After surgery, a month later, it was just as iffy. I still felt healthy except I couldn't get an erection any longer. So much for "nerve sparing!" By this time I had shed a lot of inhibitions from my redneck days while attempting all kinds of experiments which included looking at a lot of 'dicks' on-line to see if I was normal, and did a thing with a prostitute that didn't work to well.
During the after surgery years, I ran my butt off, drank gobs of water, ate different, built muscle, got rid of my company, got in on trials with a new thing called Caverject, went into UCLA Emergency three times with the biggest, (and most painful) erection the world (emergency waiting room) has ever seen and did even more experiments with herbs, pumps and lots of reading. By this time I was ready for one last try before the needle...gads...a gay thing! I was willing to try anything. So I went to a bath house in LA where a guy worked me over in ways I never thought of. I did in fact rise to half attention with a blast off. But, most important I knew it was the final straw. I had a problem (slow learner). The final, really final straw was that I was stuck so many times that the trimix became unreliable. Clearly, something different had to be done!
'Stage right', implant time. After surgery ('93) this cute nurse removed my bandages and I became depressed. What a mess! Dinky little dick, bruising all over my pelvic...."gads what have I done to myself now". A few weeks later, bruising was gone, dick was still swollen (too bad it wouldn't stay fat that way", and it was stretched to full length,(about 4 3/4 inches) big deal! Making the best of it over the months the swelling went down and the length would stretch to about 5 1/2 inches...hmmmm usable. But at least it worked! Prior to surgery, I used one of those cheap pumps and kept pumping it to the max and leaving it pumped up. Apparently that did some good in that it might have assisted the surgeon in installing the max size.
About 5years later, dick size was almost 6 inches x about 1 5/8 dia. One evening, the tire went absolutely flat! I felt a little pop and nada! Went to a new urologist who said it needed to be replaced. Here we go again! So, I used the pump for two weeks prior to surgery in the attempt at keeping what I had. After surgery, very little bruising and a fat swollen weenie. After the bandages were removed, it looked like I lost ground and complained to my urologist that he short changed me. He was supposed to remove the old and measure against the new. Well, make the best of a 5 and a halfer'.
Today, two years later I am up to a respectable 6 1/2 inch by 1.3/4 and when I am really up to it, I can hit almost 7 x 1 /78. Now I'm a happy camper........and so is my wife of 43 years. After all of the experiences, I am a different person. No mo redneck, but I still vote republican, and a whole lot looser and tolerant of the people around me. I am sure that each has his own story to tell and I am equally sure to each, it was as adventure he never though about until it was happening. And of course there are stories within stories.
To anyone reading this and contemplating the installation of an implant. if you have a problem...................fix it. The odds are you will not be unhappy.....well after it's its all done anyway! You will embark upon a journey whereby you cast aside things you learned in Catholic school or your parents taught you, and you will be a more understanding person......and, that ‘isn’t all bad!”
Don’t have any before pics but here it is pumped and unpumped. Know this, after installation your dick no longer goes into the body when it’s cold, it always hangs out. Also, for those having had prostate surgery the bladder gets tied to the pelvic floor. The result is the penis tends to bend down and will never point up again....tears. Some, like me, have complained of it being shorter. Give it time and keep it pumped up. Dam thing grows...nice huh.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Request for questions, comments, and suggestions for future topics
Dear Readers:
I have asked several men who are actively interested in the subject of Penile Implants, what can I add to this blog that might be of interest to other readers to see. I've received a few suggestions and I plan to research and add my thoughts on several different topics of interest that have been requested.
I also send out the same request to all of my readers to feel free to post requests, questions, and suggestions in the comments section of this blog that you would like to see or would be of interest to the other readers of this website.
Also, please feel free to give to your doctor, the address of this website and explain to them that it has a great deal of information for men considering penile implants. Tell them why you find the information useful and why you believe it might help other men seeking information on Penile Implant Surgery. I built this blog website to benefit all men who have severe ED and are now considering possible penile implant surgery. Fear occurs due to the unknowns in life.
And tell them that I would welcome their comments, suggestions, and advise for men considering implant surgery as well. They to can post them in the comments section of each entry or submit their comments or concerns directly to me via email.
The website address is:
My email address is: and my name is Bob.
I do respond to all submissions and I really do appreciate your comments. They serve a purpose in educating other men in this difficult subject. Impotence is a difficult burden to carry for any man. And it seriously effects our partners. They suffer the pain that you have whether we realize it or not. Many are kind, patient, and understanding. My wife is the love of my life and I really appreciate her love, support, patience, and understanding more than she will ever know. Please let your partner know how much her help and support means to you. I know she or he will appreciate hearing it from you.
Thanks to all my readers.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Size after Penile Implant Surgery: A Discussion
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of grrich2763
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 6:36 AM
To: Bob
Subject: Hi Bob
I am wondering what you think of the letters from the guy who lost 2", only starting with 5". I'd be very disturbed at this, and be talking to my surgeon. My Urologist said whatever you can produce with a VED we can produce with an implant. I can get my cock out to between 6 and 7 with VED, but can't stretch it flaccid quite that long. I'd be very content with 6, esp if hard all the time, and when I want.
I also would not worry about a little bulge in my package when I was dressed, I'd probably figure out how to enjoy that.
Good Morning Gary:
I'd be one pretty pissed off guy. Somebody didn't size that implant correctly. With the AMS Ultrex, it can expand out to about 20%, so say the guy has 5 inches, that's an inch at least that it can potentially correct. I haven't got the tape measure out since my six week post op anniversary and I was within a quarter inch of my pre implant size. That's because in order to pump the implant up hard enough to reach my original size, it's going to hurt under the glands where the end of the cylinders are, That area is going to have to build up sufficient scar tissue between the tips of the implant and glans tissue and then expand out around the cylinder walls somewhat surrounding the tips of the implant. That takes time. I pump my implant up every morning and evening to keep things stretched out and flexible and to keep the scar tissue capsule pushed back in order for the cylinders to expand to their fullest. If his implant had been sized correctly, the average loss, other than men who have had a prostatectomy was a tenth of an inch average after 6 months Post Op in the studies. I keep in touch with my uro and bounce questions off him from time to time, Dr Weinstein has been doing this surgery for over 25 years at the University of Missouri Hospitals and Clinics, and he has informed me that a properly sized implant should not cause more than a half inch loss in size, other than in Prostatectomy patients. Further, he told me that the above average loss in length with prostatectomy patients occurs in 1 out of 3 men where they loose an inch or more. Doctors don't have an answer of why that occurs. 2 out of 3 Prostatectomy
patients have outcomes like all the rest of the men with an implant who are properly sized. I prefer reading Euro Today which is the European version of the Journal of Urology that we have here in the U.S. and as they tend to be more realistic and don't gloss over the disadvantages like American Urologists sometimes do. One of the studies that they did on size is at:
The other group of men who have size problems with their implants are men who have severe Peyronie's Disease in their penis, and the amount of problems they have is based upon how bad their scarring becomes. Scar tissue impacts severely the ability of the penis to stretch out and expand in both girth and length. All of the two
piece and three piece implants can expand the girth with some men experiencing a thicker girth after implantation. I personally have experienced at 6 weeks an increase in girth of a quarter inch. The Ultrex manufactured by AMS is the only implant currently on the market and approved by FDA to expand the length of the implant. Over time, it can expand the tissue of the penis in both length and girth providing there is not scarring to prevent the stretching of the penis. I expect that the Ultrex will bring me back to my original length and I know I've gained a little in the circumference of my penis. We guys who have had the implant and those men considering having an implant have to realize that when we are at the point of having this surgery, many of us no longer have the healthy penis we had as young men. Time and disease has taken a toll on us. That said, if the doctor does a good job sizing the implant,
we should expect an outcome of an erection that is pretty close to the stretched length that should be taken prior to surgery. And it should be agreed with the doctor that we realistically expect an outcome of no more than one inch or less loss of length of that stretched length. The surgeon also ought to be honest and up front with every patient about these realistic outcomes. He should inform the patient and their partner if present, about the state of the glans penis or head will not, in most cases become engorged with blood during the erection and instead will remain soft. The cylinders are placed just under the surface of the glans. Mine are approximately a little over a quarter of an inch from the surface of the head of my penis. The outer glans tissue on the sides of the head of my penis remain soft with the hard tips in the middle and on each side of the urethral opening following my pumping to an erection. I can't get any more specific than that to describe what the head of the penis is like after the implant is installed. The head is only hard where the ends or tips of the cylinder is placed in the glans. The rest remains soft for most men. I did ask Dr Weinstein about whether or not Viagra or muse would help to engorge the head of the penis. He told me that he would not prescribe muse in that you have to insert an instrument into the urethral opening and this could introduce bacteria into the urethra that could potentially cause infection of the implant. He told me that Viagra might cause engorgement in some men. There is a company doing trials with a cream that has alprostadil in it which is the same ingredient used in caverject. If that becomes approved in the US, then that drug will have a real capability of causing engorgement of the glans for us implantees. It's sold in other parts of the world under various names. The one that I'm familiar with is Aprox TD. It's in phase 3 trials currently, I believe. I hope it gets approved soon. Will have to give it a try if it does.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Posting from a fellow Penile Implantee
This is a message from Court H who had his implant procedure back in April 07. Court has his implant procedure performed by Dr Perito, a world renown implant surgeon who practices in Coral Gables, Florida. Dr Perito performs hundreds of implants a year. Court and his wife Beth have allowed me to include previous posts on my blog.
Well, it's been since April 26 th since I had my implant. My initial
reaction was not good. I was not prepared by my surgeon for the initial
loss of an inch of length and the loss of the rigidity of the glans. So,
effectively, I really lost an inch and a half of effective erectile tissue.
My initial reaction was great dismay at the loss of length and finding out
that the loss of the rigidity of the glans left my wife feeling like I
wasn't effectively making contact with the roof of her vagina and therefore
she couldn't feel me inside her anymore was depressing to say the least. I
sent several emails to my surgeon explaining the situation to him and he
assured me that, in time, some of my length would return did give me reason
for hope. He suggested daily genital massage, which my wife without fail,
performs nightly for about 10-15 minutes and a regimen of cycling the device
5-6 times a day, keeping the erection for about 2-3 minutes per cycle would
provide us with our maximum outcome. I have regained about a quarter of an
inch of length so some improvement has been seen. As far as the loss of
firmness of the glans is concerned, my wife came up with a fantastic idea.
We bought the smallest silicone beaded cock ring we could find and placing
it directly behind he ridge of the glans does give a little rigidity back to
the glans but most importantly gives back the sensation of ring of the glans
making contact with her G spot.
One thing I want to stress to anyone considering this procedure, discuss
with the surgeon who will be performing the procedure the potential loss of
length and have them perform a stretch test to see what you are actually
able to achieve. I have been in contact on other forums with others who
have had this procedure for a variety of reasons, prostatectomy, extreme
vascular degeneration and severe diabetes among other reasons and the
majority of them were not prepared adequately by their surgeons for the loss
of length and rigidity of the glans. Some have reported getting goodly
amounts of their length back, some have not. I'm not trying to pour cold
water on anyone considering this procedure I just want each of you who are
considering this procedure to make as informed a decision as possible.
My wife and I are learning how to make love to each other, to a degree, all
over again and we are having success and I do see a bright future ahead so
it was worth it even with the initial shocks and adjustments. I hope I have
made a positive contribution to this board and will continue to post as time
goes on.
Best wishes to all of you,
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Coment from a Reader
new comment on your post "Just some comments about using my implant.":
Very encouraging Bob, this sounds like the function I am seeking, just need to get by the worries expressed occasionally, cockhead limp, loss of length, etc. Staying hard and in after while spooning sounds great, never could do that b4; your wife now has the best sex toy. If she's ok with you telling, like to hear more. Can you talk about your experiences with it now masturbating?? How about partial pumping while just walking around, to give you that fullness for the sake of eroticism. Can you pump it some without undressing, just grab the pump through your slacks and squeeze for some filling. How long can you leave it like this, no discomfort, etc? I don't have google acct yet, so will leave this anonymous, you know me on Y as grrich
Thanks for posting and asking.
Men who have had a prostatectomy often lose some length of their erection. My Urologist, Dr Stephen Weinstein of the University of Missouri, Hospitals and Clinics was asked by me about this. Dr Weinstein told me that one in three men loose length with the implant following a prostatectomy. He told me, that what he does is he resects the bladder and repositions the bladder lower in the abdomen to make up for the lose of length of the ureter that went through the prostate. Now that sounds likeit should be standard procedure Gary that all Uro's should be doing. And they may be doing just that. I just don't know. Yet, there are guys reporting some significant loss of length with thw implant who have lost their prostate gland previously. I just wish I knew the answer. I haven't lost any real length of my erection following my implant surgery. I'm within a quarter of an inch to my old Bi-mix length. I've also gained a quarter inch increase in the circumference of my penis. With the Ultrex implant, thats or a pretty typical finding among men with severe ED like me from diabetes or other causes. Men with Peyronies, usually experience straitening of the penis from the implant. There is a procedure for severe scarring with in the corpora involving making an incision length wise about 2/3's the length of the corpora and removing the scar tissue within. The surgeon then places the cylinders of the implant within the corpora and then sutures the corpora and sutures the penis itself. This is a much more involved surgery and takes much longer to heal and recover. But this is supposed to be very beeficial for men who have had severe Peyronies Disease. I don't have any figures off the top of my head on how many are being done or who's doing this type of surgery, but I read a couple of articles in the medical library at where I work in a couple of the urology journals about this particle procedure and how effective it is for men with severe fibrosis. How this might effect future erections would be a question to the doctors who perform this particular surgery. Your typical implant uro might also be able to answer questions on it as well.
As to your questions concerning masturbating with the implant.
I have masturbated several times since my implant surgery, and I find that while I pump my penis erect, I don't pump it nearly as hard as you need for intercourse. I like a little flexibility in my penis during masturbation, expecially when I'm not particularly in a hurry and want to lazily play with myself for awhile. I also find that I'm not pumping my implant really hard when my wife is going to perform oral on me. My girth is thicker than average, and by not pumping my girth as thick as it can get, it makes it easier for my wife to perform oral on me. You don't have to have a rock hard erection to ejaculate most satisfactorily by either oral sex or masturbation. And by leaving your penis semi hard, you can hold back coming a lot easier and go longer. And if your partner tires easily trying to perform oral on you, give them a break and leave yourself less firm. My wife suffers from a dry socket in her jaw and this causes her discomfort if she has to open her mouth as wide as she can to accomadate my full size. Women who experience discomfort why performing oral sex will appreciate you doing this, and I'm finding my experience with my wife giving me oral to be much better for both of us. She doesn't tire as bad from stretching her mouth to accomadate me and I don't get nicked by her teeth as she would do with a very firm erection. Walking around with a so so erection is fine also. When I first started pumping, the head of my penis was extra sensitive and if I left things anything but totally flacid, after awhile the head would get sore within my underwear and under my clothes from the friction and pressure of my clothes. It was more comfortable at first to be completely flacid. That is getting less and less of a problem the longer in the healing process I get. Within a month, that should be a distant memory for me.
Also, you've got to understand that you have two cylinders running the length of your penis so I never become totally flacid anymore. I'm usually sticking out there about 4 inches all the time now where as before the implant, I would only be 2 1/2 to sometimes 3 1/2 inches flacid. With the implant, your going to be showing a package all of the time. What you see in my pictures of my flacid cock is what I have showing all the time now. When I undress in the locker room or take a leak, I'm going to show about 4 inches of cock. Thats the minimum size I can get anymore. It's not really noticeable unless your wearing tight clothing, but it's there. As for pumping through your clothes, I can do that without too much trouble. The pump ball lies in the bottom of your scrotum and it is easy find and access. I can even deflate through my clothes. You are going to find out that after you are healed up, you can inflate yourself to whatever firmness you like, anytime and for however long that you want with out harming yourself. I sometimes like to walk around in my underwear with a partial erection just to catch my wifes eye and give her some ideas.
Before the implant, the spongy tissue that filled with blood, needed to have blood exchanges or the tissue would die, and scarring would occur if an erection lasted for over 4 hours maximum. In reality, I think 3 hours maximum was even better. With the implant filling the corpora, you don't need blood exchanges, so you can stay hard as long as you want. You still need to empty the implant and expand the reservoir as the body builds a capsule arouond the reservoir. You don't want to collapse the reservoir so that it can't collect the fluid from the implant. If that happens, you'll be walking around with a hard on all of the time and that won't look or feel natural. Gary, the confidence that I now feel with the implant has jacked up my sex drive to unbelievable heights. I have sex on the brain all the time now. I feel better about my sex drive and sexual satisfaction now more than at any time of my life. Maybe I'm a kid right now with a new toy. But I've never had this much fun with a toy before. Good luck on your future implant surgery. Bob
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Testosterone Replacement
Dear Readers:
I'd like to touch on a topic that I've researched heavily and have lived with for around 14 to 15 years and that is Testosterone Replacement Therapy, (HRT) or Hormone Replacement Therapy as it is also called. One of the syndromes that people who have autoimmune diseases have is a greater likelihood of having other endocrine problems. I have Juvenile Diabetes or Type 1 diabetes which is an autoimmune disorder where antibodies attacked my Beta Cells in my pancreas and destroyed them. Without Beta Cells, there is no insulin production. In my thirties, I discovered that my libido was starting to take a nose dive. After finding that there was adequate hormone to stimulate my testicles to produce testosterone, I opted for a needle core biopsy of my testicles and it was discovered that the cells that produce testosterone were slowly being destroyed, so I started taking shots of Testosterone Cypionate. As time went on, a single shot a month left me going up and down and I felt on a roller coaster of emotions. I was as PMSy as my wife. So my doctor put me on a schedule of taking a shot every two weeks. Then I went to every week just so I didn’t have too great a fluctuation. Ahh, the not so fond memories of jabbing an inch and a half, 23 gauge needle into my butt. Those days ended approximately 6 years ago with the advent of Androgel. Androgel is a topical gel containing 5 grams of testosterone that you rub onto the skin of your body. It came in 2.5 gram and 5 gram packets at the time I started using it. I would apply mine every morning after my shower. Androgel now has a more convenient pump bottle in addition to the packets that supplies you 1.25 grams with each pump and I really like using the pump. It’s so much easier to use than tearing open foil packets everyday and the price is cheaper. Also, it is much easier to titrate your dosage so that you are not getting too much or too little testosterone each day based upon your blood tests. I like to apply the testosterone to my skin and then have blood drawn two hours later. I like having a testosterone level around 800 milligrams for my am level. I know that is the level where I feel my best. A testosterone level below 300 mg is too low for any man and yet many doctors don’t want to start replacement therapy until a man’s level is 200 mg and below. If your doctor won’t treat you and shoot for a morning level of 600 mgs to 900 mgs, find yourself a different doctor. The best doctor to see is a Urologist and have your prostate checked at the same time. Low testosterone exhibits itself by symptoms of depression, low sex drive, poor or no erections, high cholesterol readings, and feelings of lethargy or no energy. Low testosterone will slowly result in significant bone lose. Men who have low testosterone also are at a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular disease, i.e.; heart attacks and strokes. Low testosterone just makes everyday suck in so many ways, that it leaves you feeling like why even get out of bed. A word of caution, if you are having problems with obesity and diabetes, you need to get off your butt and exercise along with replacement of testosterone. Having too high a level of body fat results in too much aromatase being produced by your body fat. Aromatase is an enzyme that breaks down testosterone and the end product is estradiol or a form of estrogen that is produced. Estrogen has a higher affinity for testosterone receptors than testosterone has. What testosterone that doesn’t get converted to estradiol, is bound with Sex Hormone Binding Globulin and become non bioavailable or in other words, your body can’t use. What this means is the amount of bound testosterone cannot attach to testosterone receptors and is thus useless to you. The amount of free bioavailable testosterone that is available to your body to do all of the anabolic things that testosterone does along with sex drive and physical well being just isn’t there. This results in two things happening. You need free, unbound testosterone to attach to testosterone receptors to obtain the full effects of the testosterone. If all your testosterone is converted to estrogen or becomes bounded testosterone, you don’t have any effect from the testosterone no matter what your levels are. And two, estrogen starts breast development and depositing fat in the hips. I have a good friend who has this problem. His breasts are so large, that they fill his wife’s D cup bras. Thats bad and he knows it. Unfortunately, he chooses not to try and change anything.
Take care
Just some comments about using my implant.
Dear Readers:
I just received a comment from an anonymous poster thanking me for my candor and for having this blog. I know exactly what he means about finding any information from actual implantees and their experiences along with pictures on what everything looks like and feels like following surgery, recuperation, and actually enjoying sexual relations with the implant. There just isn't anything like my blog out there on the internet. That was my motivation for creating this blog in order to help men and their partners learn from me and others in order to make an informed decision on a treatment that can really have a significant effect on a man for the rest of your life. I'm very happy that I chose to have implant surgery and I am advising any man to give this surgery some significant thought. I'm really enjoying both oral sex and intercourse with my wife as is she. It's like being 20- again. No more getting up and taking a painful shot or planning sex and taking a pill and waiting for results. No more worries of whether or not I'm going to get an erection and stay hard to completion. It takes 6 to 12 pumps and I have an erection as hard as any 20 year old guy, but with one difference. I can stay hard for hours with the implant. I can fall asleep spooning my wife, with my erection inside her. We both love that feeling of staying connected. I've woken up to my wife moving back and forth on my cock in the middle of the night and she's having an orgasm!!
Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, and just enjoy thrusting into her vagina for awhile, sometimes to ejaculation, sometimes not, and while I'm moving inside of her, shes asleep, but she'll moan and I know a part of her is enjoying this and all this is just in the past few weeks. I'm finding that the implant is opening up a whole new sexual world for me and my wife as I can now do things with the implant, that I never could do before. It's like having the 6 million dollar bionic penis. One of the topics of concern on Penile Implants Support group is possible partner rejection of a man with an implant. In my case, I don't have a large scrotum, so on my right side you can feel the pump for the implant. I've talked to men with larger scrotums and the pump isn't as noticeable as mine is. I'm pulling and tugging on my scrotal skin in hopes of stretching it to a larger size and it may do that on it's own. Who knows. But guys, let me let you in on a secret. Women fight self esteem issues their whole lives. Are they pretty enough, is their butt too large. Are their breasts too small, too big, saggging. Do they look too fat. They have to live with periods and all the charming surprises that it throws their way. They worry how their vagina looks like to us, tastes like, and does it smell bad to us. God, if they only knew how in heaven we guys are when we get anywhere near their vaginas. With all the self esteem issues that they carry around all their lives, expect them to be curious about your implant. Answer their questions honestly and after they experience all the advantages that your implant offers them, the vast majority of women are going to accept it as a normal part of you. As my wife has comented on mine, I'm harder, slightly thicker in girth, my penis still tastes the same. My ejaculate is the same. I ejaculate with force and with the same volume. My sensitivity hasn't changed any. My genitals still look quite normal as the pictures that I have posted as well as Dan's photos. And for some reason or other, I have been horny as hell over the past several weeks since I got the ok for sex. I have a new sense of confidence in my sexuality. I may be making up for all the missed oportunities that I had because taking a shot just didn't seem worth it at the time or was maybe more hastle then I wanted to deal with. Sex for me is fool proof. I can't loose. I know without any doubt that I can perform anytime, anyplace, and if I was so inclined, with anyone. No man has that kind of security unless they have an implant. There were a couple of times in my life, when I was younger, I had to pass on a couple of good looking opportunities because I had too much to drink and she was very willing. I was very willing, but the the man down below my belt would not wake up. I'd have donated a testicle to have this implant then. Take care all.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Talking about Implant Results
Below are pictures taken on July 28th of my genitals following a two month healing period following Penile Implant Surgery. I've had an AMS 700 Ultrex implant surgically implanted. The Ultrex allows for expansion in both length and girth of the penis. The implant allows a 20% enlongation and while it takes up to 6 months to obtain the maximum possible expansion of the device, I am very satisfied with my current erection from my implant. I've enjoyed great sex with my wife and it has been very enjoyable for both of us. I have the same sensations that I felt prior to the surgery. The orgasms are strong and my ejaculate is the same volume and force as I've always experienced my whole life. The glands of my penis stays somewhat softer than what I used to experience, but because the ends of the cylinders are located just under the glans or head and furnishes the hard feeling to my wifes vagina. We've experienced intercourse about a dozen times in the past two weeks and I've asked her to close her eyes and concentrate on the feelings of my penis thrusting into her. I asked her, do you feel any difference from before the implant with how I feel inside her now? Her asnswer is no difference what so ever. It feels great. The only way that she can tell that I have an implant is when she can feel the pump within my scrotum. Guys With an implant, you have the best penis that modern science can build. It looks natural, feels naturals, is warm, and tastes perfectlly natural to your partner. You have the ability to bring pleasure to your partner for as long as they want, as hard as they want, and as often as they want. Anywhere, anytime, you are the ultimate male lover. Your orgasm does not change. It's the same as it was when you were a young man. The only difference is when my orgasm pushes my ejaculate out, my penis stays wonderfully hard and erect. Ladies. No longer do you have to be frustrated because the guy has his orgasm, and you are so close. Don't stop, you urge him, but he can't because he's gone soft before you can finish. Well, never again for the guy who has an implant. Ladies, he is going to keep thrusting hard into you until you stop having exploding orgasms. You are really going to enjoy your guys new ardor. Don't wait. Don't hesitate to have this surgery if you really need it. My spouse and I are glad that I had this surgery. I now wish that I had not endured the injections as long as I did. As you can see from my pictures and from another implantees pictures, our genitals look entirely normal following the surgery. Both flacid and erect, I'm not at all ashamed of any one seeing my genitalia. I'm not ashamed to make love to my wife, or if I were single, make love to any women. I have complete confidence, more than I have ever had in my entire life, to have long, hard, and satisfying sex with any women. I can satisfy any women. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind of that.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Penile Length Following Implant Surgery
Dear Readers
An often heard discussion on Penile Implants is the discussion of size following implant surgery versus size prior to implant surgery. A lot of factors enter in the length of the penis following the surgery. This topic should be covered fully by any Urologist who does implant surgery so that men who are about to have this surgery, have realistic expectations and knowledge of possible outcomes. I would dare say, that a realistic outcome by the patient is the number one reason to influence how a patient and their spouse perceives whether or not they are happy they had the implant surgery. Prior to any surgery, men ought to know that the glans or head of the penis does not become engorged with blood during sexual intercourse with the implant. This is often the reason why the length of a man's penis is shorter than the length he experienced with either a natural erection or with intercavernosal injections. Expect to loose a 1/4 to 1/2 of an inch in length due to this very reason. Also, expect the penis to be shorter in length 1 month post op than at 6 months post op. Men who cycle the implant daily, will stretch the penis. A least in the size of the girth, but should also see some improvement in length as well. Their is only one implant that expands length wise and that is the AMS 700 Ultrex. All of the other implants are pretty much sized to the maximum length that a man has that can be achieved when the tissues are stretched. That is why I went with the Ultrex implant. It can achieve a possible increase of up to
20 % in length. A man who penis is 5 inches could potentially increase one inch. That is probably not going to happen as the penis can only be stretched so much, so each man's experiences will be different. For men who received a prostatectomy prior to the implant, you men need to realistically expect to permanently lose an inch or more. Below is an article that appeared in the European Urology website detailing a study on realistic penile length results of men who had the surgery. Participants were measured post surgery for flacid stretch length and then measured at post surgical at one month and six months. Each man's final results are going to vary some. I hope you find the study informative.
Paste the above address in your web browser. This site really gives a good explanation on penile length following implant surgery.
An often heard discussion on Penile Implants is the discussion of size following implant surgery versus size prior to implant surgery. A lot of factors enter in the length of the penis following the surgery. This topic should be covered fully by any Urologist who does implant surgery so that men who are about to have this surgery, have realistic expectations and knowledge of possible outcomes. I would dare say, that a realistic outcome by the patient is the number one reason to influence how a patient and their spouse perceives whether or not they are happy they had the implant surgery. Prior to any surgery, men ought to know that the glans or head of the penis does not become engorged with blood during sexual intercourse with the implant. This is often the reason why the length of a man's penis is shorter than the length he experienced with either a natural erection or with intercavernosal injections. Expect to loose a 1/4 to 1/2 of an inch in length due to this very reason. Also, expect the penis to be shorter in length 1 month post op than at 6 months post op. Men who cycle the implant daily, will stretch the penis. A least in the size of the girth, but should also see some improvement in length as well. Their is only one implant that expands length wise and that is the AMS 700 Ultrex. All of the other implants are pretty much sized to the maximum length that a man has that can be achieved when the tissues are stretched. That is why I went with the Ultrex implant. It can achieve a possible increase of up to
20 % in length. A man who penis is 5 inches could potentially increase one inch. That is probably not going to happen as the penis can only be stretched so much, so each man's experiences will be different. For men who received a prostatectomy prior to the implant, you men need to realistically expect to permanently lose an inch or more. Below is an article that appeared in the European Urology website detailing a study on realistic penile length results of men who had the surgery. Participants were measured post surgery for flacid stretch length and then measured at post surgical at one month and six months. Each man's final results are going to vary some. I hope you find the study informative.
Paste the above address in your web browser. This site really gives a good explanation on penile length following implant surgery.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Dave's Pictures

Erect 4 weeks
2. Flaccid at 4 weeks
Flaccid at 7 weeks

Flaccid 1 at 7 weeks

Erection at 7 weeks

Erection Pic 5 at 7 weeks

Erection at 7 weeks

Erection Picture 3 at 7 weeks

Erection 2 at 7 weeks

Erection Pic1 at 7 weeks

Erection Pic at 4 weeks
I wish to thank Dave for submitting these pictures of his genitals at Post Op Week 4 and Week 7 following Daniel's Penile Implant surgery. Read his Story below.
These pictures are copyrited and are posted for educational purposes for men with long term erectile dysfunction and their partner's who are giving serious thought to possibly seeking a penile implant as a solution to their ED problems. I began this blog as an aid to men to hear first hand accounts of penile implantees as well as their spouses views. I welcome all submissions.
Bob, here are pictures, flaccid, 1 semierect, and several erect, at 4 weeks, just after I began to pump, and this week, which is my 7th week. The flaccid at week 4 was 4 inches, the erect was 4 1/2 inches. The flaccid now is 4 1/2 inches and the erect is right at 5 inches. You'll notice that it points slightly to the right for some reason...all of the tubing is just to the right of my pubic area, and then goes into the abdomen, and the pump is on the right side of the scrotum.
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