These pictures are Post OP pictures at the end of week 3. When I had my implant surgiclly implanted, I experience extensive bruising of my penis, scrotum and pubic or bikini area as evidenced by my 36 hour pictures. I also had extensive edema in my pubic area and genitals. This operation is performed in an arera of the body that has extensive vasculation as evdenced that a man needs good blood flow to create an erection. There was very little pain from post surgical bruising and edema. It took me 3 weeks for all of the bruising to heal. At this point in the healing process, I feel really good half way through the six weeks of healing and am looking forward to getting to use my implant sexually. I'll soon be able to enjoy nice firm erections without injections. I can hardly wait.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Week 3 Anniversary Pictures
These pictures are Post OP pictures at the end of week 3. When I had my implant surgiclly implanted, I experience extensive bruising of my penis, scrotum and pubic or bikini area as evidenced by my 36 hour pictures. I also had extensive edema in my pubic area and genitals. This operation is performed in an arera of the body that has extensive vasculation as evdenced that a man needs good blood flow to create an erection. There was very little pain from post surgical bruising and edema. It took me 3 weeks for all of the bruising to heal. At this point in the healing process, I feel really good half way through the six weeks of healing and am looking forward to getting to use my implant sexually. I'll soon be able to enjoy nice firm erections without injections. I can hardly wait.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
My Contact Information
My email is
My phone is 573-808-2962
The above is my personal email and I like to be very open to anyone reading my blog. Sandro, I can certainly relate to your personal story with diabetes. It's a story that plays itself out day after day for many people. Diabetes is responsible for 24% of men who seek help for ED. It damages nerves and the endothelial membrane of your blood vessels. This is the lining that produces nitric oxide that causes relaxation of the smooth muscle found in the penis. Sandro this is what gene therapy is looking to repair. When this particular therapy will be available is anyone's guess. It takes years of studies to obtain FDA approval. I used injections sucessfully for over 13 years. My experience was very positive, but eventually, the injections started to cause scarring inside of my penis. I could have gone on for a couple of more years, but the scarring is permanent and the worse it gets, the more it will shorten your erection length. A lot of men wait too many years before they get an implant and are unhappy with it because of scarring, their erection is permanently shortened. I recomend injections as a good method for the relief of ED. But a warning here. Once a year have your doctor check your penis for fibrosis. Second recomendation is no more than 3 injections a week. I used more than three times a week at times, and that was not a smart decision on my part. I personally experienced penile pain with Tri-mix injections from the prostaglandin E-1 that is the third drug in Tri-mix. The other two drugs used are phentolamin and papaverine. That is why I preferred Bi-mix.
Why have a Penile Implant? Because it has the highest satisfaction of all the ED treatments currently available. Viagra, Cialis, and Vardenafil cost aproximately $10.00 a pop and is often not covered by health insurance. They interfere with spontanaity because you have to plan ahead. Among men with moderate ED, they have a long term satisfaction rate 0f 68 %.
Injection of vasoactive agents are usually considered a second tiered treatment, often prescribed to men who are failing in using oral agents. Bi-mix and Tri-mix as well as Caverject are great agents and can almost raise the dead for men who have medium to severe ED. I paid $70.00 for 5 cc compunded at my Pharmacy. I used .6 to .7 cc which means I got 7 to 8 injection from a 5 cc bottle. Syringues cost approximately 15 cents each. So vasoactive injections cost approximately $10 an erection as well. A major drawback to injections is the daunting task of injecting yourself into your penis. As a diabetic, I've lost my fear of shots after the 1st hundered thousand shots I've had to give myself, but dam, at times, those shots int my penis hurt like hell. The erection that I got lasted for two hours, so that made for some long, unhurried lovemaking and I never had to worry about whether I would last long enough for my wife to reach satisfaction. She could get satisfied and then satisfied, and oh yes yes, sometimes satisfied again. The drawback besides the pain is scarring of the penis.
Penile Implants. Expected to last 10 or more years and beyond. Cost is covered by insurance. Once gone down that road, no going back. Bruising and discomfort following surgery. Pluses.
Always can have an erection whenever you want for as long as you want. Can loose some length, especially for men who have had a radical prostatectomy. Implants enjoy over a 90% satisfaction rate among users and an 84% satisfaction rate among partners. Highest rate for all ED choices. For men who have ED after prostate surgery, it is the only choice.
There is no perfect treatment right now for Erectile Disfunction. It's all a matter of trade offs for the time being. Maybe someday there will be a perfect answer. For right now, all men need to educate themselves with as much information as possible. Talk to your doctor. If you get unsatisfactory answers from your doctor, don't give up. Ask around and find a better doctor. Someone you can comfortably talk to. Admitting that you are impotent is hard. Talking about it with someone is also very difficult for some men. There's still a stigma attached to ED. A snickering about it. And there is no outrage out there that men can be made to feel inferior, be made fun of. The conditioned is a subject of jokes. Men who have ED are feeling real pain and when made fun of, it hurts even worse. I'm trying to make a difference in the world of men with this condition. I'm trying to offer information where their is a real shortage of information. If you need someone to talk to in anonymity, I can do that to.
Take care
Friday, June 15, 2007
My Dr Visit, Questions asked and answered
I had my visit with my urologists yesterday at my two week visit. He had two medical students shadowing him and I allowed them to also feel the pump in my scrotum and feel the tips of the cylinders under the glans penis. They were very gentle so I told them they could squeeze a little harder if they needed to, in order to feel the tips as it wouldn't hurt or bother me. I'm just not that shy anymore, so standing naked in front of three guys doesn't embarass me very much anymore. They asked me about my decision to have a penile implant surgically implanted and I had a very frank discussion about my juvenile diabetes as my probable, primary reason for my ED. I explained my experience with viagra and cialis as being less than ideal and that I've discussed with other men their use and experiences with PDE 5 drugs such as viagra, cialis, and vardenafil and why they don't work for everybody. What the side effects are and my experience with an erection from those agents. I discussed my expereince with caverject, Bi-mix, and Tri-mix and injecting those agents into my penis. That both my wife and I were very satisfied with the erection that the injections produced along with a 2 hour erection being very much appreciated from my wife's point of view. The reasons I had for quitting injections due to fibrosis beginning to occurr in my penis as a result of those injections over a 13 year period. I also spoke of my expectations following my implant surgery. The research that I had done over the past year and of this blog that I'm keeping which really surprised them and my doctor. I gave them the url of this blog and asked for their feedback. My grasp of the pathology of Erectile Disfunction allowed me to speak on their level. I also questioned my doctor about penile length loss by men who had their prostate removed because of prostate cancer. I learned that approximately one third of men who have lost their prostate due to cancer will suffer a loss of one or more inches of length with a penile implant. My urologist explained that doctors don't have a clear understanding of why this happens. It has been discussed at several conferences among urologists and nobody has a clear explaination why thisoccurrs. Dr Weinstein explained that when the prostate is removed, the bladder is repositioned lower in the abdomen, and this compensates the loss of the prostate to conect to the remaining ureter. I asked if radiation treatments affect things. He explained that if the prostate is cancerous, they can watch it, as in someone over 70 with a slow growing cancer. This I know from needle core biopsies that I've processed in hundreds of cases. Another treatment option is inserting radioactive seeds which destroys the cancer if it is caught early enough. And the last option, if the cancer is at risk of growing through the prostate and entering lymph nodes and thus metatstizing through out the body, then complete removal of the prostate is warranted. And radiation is then not needed.
In my case, my doctor's expectations are at most, a loss of up to one half inch to an increase in length of 3 mms. 2.5 mm = `1 inch. Because I only had a small amount of scarring in my penis prior to surgery, the implant will over several months stretch my penis by a small amount. The penis is limited by the corpus spongiosum, the ureter, and basically the rest of the penis from growing longer. The possible loss in length are due to the glands penis or head not becoming engorged with blood as in a normal erection. This can account for 1/4 to 1/2 an inch of length loss which varies among men. What also limits length is the [use it or loose it] principle. When we were younger, we experienced erections all night long. This served to stretch the tissues and provide much needed oxygenation through out the penis. Men who opt for the implant are men who for many years in most cases, have not or do not still experience strong nightly erections occurring on a regular basis. We have erections using most often a vacuum erection device or injections of vasoactive agents which over amplify the erection above normal. Even the penile skin can become semi engorged along with the corpora and the tissue surounding the urethra and the glans penis. This adds extra to the erection and the implant is unable to match that expectation. The implant, if correctly implanted and sized gives an erection length that cannot match the length of when we were younger men. What it gives us is an erection that closely mimics a man's length minus the engorgement of the glans and minus whatever loss is due to fibrosis and aging.
I would have liked to have explored more questions, but my urologist had other patients waiting. The medical students thanked me. I feel that the decision to have a surgical implant is a dificult one. The experience can be made a more positive one if the man goes into it armed with as much knowledge as they can obtain. Knowledge if coupled to realistic expectations brings about a better experience. What I want, boiled down to the smallest point of reference, is an erection suitable enough and hard enough that I can experience full penetrative intercourse with my wife, and that allows both of us to express love to each other, and ends in both of us achieving at some point, a sexual climax that is satisfying to both of us. That in a nutshell is what it is all about.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
My Thoughts on loss of penile length
Helloe Readers:
I'm 2 weeks post op and doing really well. What I would like to talk about is the loss of length following a prostatectomy and implant surgery. Most responders who have discussed this subject lament about loosing one to two inches in length due to a prostatectomy. Drawing upon 17 years of working in pathology and examining prostate tissue from (BPH) Benign Prostatic Hypertropy to complete resection of a whole prostate gland, I've looked at several thousand specimens coming straight from surgery. To get an accurate picture of the size of the prostate gland, its about the size of an extra large chicken egg. Traversing through the middle of the prostate is the ureter which transports urine from the bladder and sperm from the testicles and out through the penis. When the surgeon removes the prostate gland, the actual area of the ureter that traverses through the prostate is lost. The surgeon has to attach the remaining ureter to the remaining ureter which shortens up the available length of the penis to expand and become erect. What is missing in this equation is why has some enterprising medical implant company not come up with a way to replace the lost ureter portion of the prostate that is lost? I meet with my urologist on Thursday and I believe I may ask him that very question. If I receive a decent answer on why, I'll share it with you.
One of the contributors to Yahoo's Penile Implant Group posted a very good link of Drs Francois Eid and Paul Perito describing their implant procedures. They filmed actual surgeries that they performed and they narrate their particular procedures. This webzine takes a little over an hour to watch, but is well worth watching. It can be reached by double clicking on the follow URL or by copying the whole address into your web browser:
Another reason men loose a little length is the fact that the glans penis, or the head of the penis does not become engorged and erect with the implant. Having that portion of the penis become engorged adds a quarter to a half inch to length. The implant looses that portion of a normal erection. Another reason for loss of length is due to scarring within the corpora cavernosa. This can be due to Peyronies desease. Injections of Tri-mix, Bi-mix, caverject or any other vasoactive drugs also causes scarring (fibrosis) the medical term, inside of the corpora. The corpora cavernosa are the two long tunnels of spongy tissue that fills with blood during an erection and as they expand, they add rigidity and length to the erect penis. When that spongy tissue becomes damaged, it is replaced with scar tissue. Fibrotic scar tissue doesn't stretch and what is often the case is that it contracts the tissue surrounding it. This contracture causes a loss in the length of an erection. I have used injections of Bi-mix regularly over a 13 to 14 year period. Having palpated scar tissue in surgically removed specimens over the years I knew what to look for. Within the past year leading up to my implant surgery, I discovered the scarring that was occurring within my own penis. The longer you wait, the worse it gets. You do want to get an implant sooner before this mostly irreversible damage occurrs. If you are a man using injections, you should annually ask your doctor to check for fibrosis. Have him check your prostate and do a PSA test at the same time. Another test after age 50 to have annually is a fecal ocult test. It looks for blood in the stool and can catch colon cancer in the early stage. Very important to catch that cancer early as early equals life. Late equals you not being around next year. I have ED causes by long term juvenile diabetes. I have not had my prostate removed at present time. My expectations are to loose approximently a half inch off of my erection. In 4 more weeks, I'll know for sure. Coming out of surgery, my surgeon left my implant semi-erect, but there was approximately four and a half inches minimum there. I will probably drop from 5 1/2 inches to 5 inches in length. That is a realistic expectation. I had a 5 1/2 inch circumference previously for the girth of the shaft. Even an erection of 4 to 5 inches in length is plenty to satisfy a women, especially when you realize that you will always be able to get hard anytime you want, for as long as you want. Love making will become a nice, long, and easy time with no performance issues. Ladies, he not going to loose his erection before you have your orgasm. There's no rush anymore, so both can enjoy a longer foreplay. No longer having to go take a pill or a shot to break the mood. Now it takes seconds for him to become ready. I was a teenager when I last got ready that fast. And if you like staying coupled all night long, or several hours at least. It's not going to hurt him any to stay erect. Both my wife and I liked that best about the shots. The ability to stay connected together after we finished our love making. Just that close cuddleing and close connection. You know you like it, so why not?
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Just a few things.
Hello Readers:
Just a couple of things I'd like to comment on. I'm almost at the two week point on Tuesday. My bruising is down by more than 50 %. And what is left will probably be gone sometime this week. The pain in my scrotum from the pump isn't bothering me anymore. Cost of the procedure. Now that is an eye opener. I have very good insurance and I feel lucky to have it. The hospital bill for one night and room and care was billed at $36,245.00. Insurance paid 18,287.00. $17, 958.00 was written off. They paid over $1200.0 for Anesthesia. There were additional expenses for laboratory and Radiology, and remember the stress test? That was over a $1000.00 for nothing as I didn't need it. It's the extra that each of us pays because of malpractice lawsuits. And I'm still waiting on the surgeon's bill, oh boy. All in all, implant surgery cost is over twenty grand.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Post Op Irritation and Pain
Hello Readers:
I'd like to talk about Post Op pain. In the past couple of days, I've sent and received email with three concerning tenderness and pain in the scrotal sack wall and testicle in the same side as the pump sits. The new pump is smaller and my implant along with one of the gentlemen I wrote to, is also using the new pump. When you are implanted, expect a great deal of swelling in your scrotum after your surgery. I described mine as a small grapfruit hanging between my legs. Unless you have a large, low hanging scrotum, there isn't a lot of room in each chamber of the scrotum. In my case the pump and testicle don't have a lot of room to coexist, thus there is irritation to the testicle as well as the sides of the scrotum from over crowding. I'm on testosterone replacement and had a vasectomy 20 years ago because I no longer want to father any more children. Knowing what I know now, I replied to one of the recent implantees that maybe I would have been better off having my doctor remove one of my testicles freeing up space for my implant pump. It's not as if I need my testicles anymore. I don't need sperm and I'm on testosterone replacement because my testicles quit working like they should years ago. To remove a testicle, all the surgeon has to do is tie off and cut the neuro vascular bundle and remove the testicle from the scrotum. If you are considering implantation surgery and your situation is similar to mine, you might want to talk it over with your doctor about having a testicle removed as part of the implantation procedure and putting in the pump in its place. Nobody could tell that you have a pump from an implant rather than a testicle. And if the testicle is no longer useful to you, why miss it. I think with my experience and that of three other men, that I would not have such tenderness and pain in my scrotum now, if I had freed up space and had a testicle removed. Just food for thought. Take care guys.Bob
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Postop Week 2
I started my second week today, and I'm just taking things one day at a time. In talking with a couple of other implantees via email, the pump is an irritant inside the scrotum. A couple of us have noted that we are feeling sore both in the testicle and in the inner wall of the scrotum. Lets face it, theres not a lot of room inside the scrotum and the pump is banging around inside the scrotum. I don't know how long this soreness will stick around and the inflamation will go down, freeing up space inside the scrotum for both the testicle and the pump to coexists. Also this morning, I located the deflate button and squeezed out fluid from the cylinders and force down a slight erection that popped up during the night. Makes me wonder if pressure on the reservoir in the abdomen doesn't cause fluid to leak back into the cylinders. I've found that wearing compression shorts or a jock strap keeps the penis and the scrotum from moving around. And it keeps the penis in the upright position thereby helping to drain bruising and fluid buildup in the penis. The bruising of my penis has really changed from two days ago for the good. There is a small area that is now completely free of swelling and bruising. Small victories are huge. I'm looking forward to this time a week from now and I believe things will be significantly improved. In all seriousness. Keep wearing a jockstrip or compression shorts from the time you get home till the end of the 2nd week. You will feel a whole lot better. The more you can keep your penia in the upright position and your testicles and pump from moving around, the more comfortable you are going to be. Other implantees and I agree on this as good advise. Take care and one day at a time. On a personal note, my heart and prayers go out to Kelsy Smith's family. Kelsey was a young girl just out of High School who was caught on sercurity cameras as having a young male forcing his way into her car. Her body was found today and I feel realy sad for her parents. My daughter is 4 years older the Kelsey, and she just graduated from College. If my daughter were butchered by some sicko as Kelsy was, I hope and pray that the police have arrested the correct person responsible. That he is kept in a concrete and steel cage for however long he lives. He's proved himself to be a dangerous and viscious animal, and unfit to live among decent people. Maybe he will experience the same visciousness that he visited on Kelsey when he gets to prison. Then is when he will realize that he is among his own kind.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Day 6 Post Op bruising and swelling

Bruising on Day 6, Post Op covered the entire bikini area, penis and scrotum. Some swelling in the scrotum has gone down a little since yesterday. Light red area on my penis caused today by a little bleeding and bruising internally from deflating the implant somewhat, and then squeezing the penile cylinders to achieve some delation.
Day 6 Post Op Implantee
I had the new Ultrex with the new pump. The AMS rep brought it down when AMS shipped the wrong implant to my doctor. Most doctors get the implants overnighted with extra parts otherwise they have to carry a lot of expensive product on hand. In cases of pelvic scarring, doctors like the 2 piece Ambicor on hand. I was expecting and had requested the Ultrex, but they sent the AMS 700 CS by mistake. So the AMS rep drove from St Louis on the day of my surgery last Tuesday with an AMS Ultrex and what isn't used is shipped back for credit as long as sterility isn't compromized. Dr Weinstein had read about the new revision on the 700 series pump but told me he hadn't expected it in production this soon, but I got implanted with it and so did Daniel, another member on this board. The paperwork and directions with it list it as 1/3 smaller than the previous pump available with the Ultrex. The diagram of the new pump, it looks like the pump that the Ambicor uses, but is slightly a little bit different. The pumper is softer and is easier to pump up the implant. The deflation button on the older pump made you hold down the deflate button until the implant is completely deflated. On the new pump, the deflate buttton only needs to be held down for 3 to 4 seconds and then released and the implant deflates. The user squeezes the cylinders to push all the fluid back into the reservoir. Daniel and I both have it, but neither one of us has had enough of the surgical swelling go down enough in our scrotum Post Op for either one of us to get really familiar with it. This morning, I did need to deflate my implant some as I was sticking out somewhat and it was a little painful when pushed up against my body as it was a little too firm to bend. I did find the button and did manage to deflate the implant. This did cause a little fresh bleeding and bruising on my left Corpora cylinder side. I'm only 6 days Post Op, but I am keeping a blog at
and I've got one more picture of the bruising that I have experienced. My whole bikini area turned black and blue, post surgically around day 3 post op. So expect to have bruising 2 to 3 days postop along with considerable swelling. It looks worse than it feels. I hope this answers your questions about the Ultrex Revision on the pump. Regards, Bob
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Day 4, Post Op Implant surgery
Dear Readers:
I'm copying from a post to me on Yahoo Penile Implant Support website from a man who needs and sincerely wants to have implant surgery. But as you can see and read, he is getting the Royal Runaround from his doctor who happens to be a Urologist. This is awful, but realistically, doctors are gunshy because of law suits. Lawyers are in fierce competition for cases which is income for them. They are doing their jobs. We don't need to change the lawyers, just the criteria for what constitutes a valid suit. Second point is insurance will pay for an implant of anyone who has demonstrated organic impotense. There is no requirement that you have to try everything else first and have it fail before paying for the implant. 3rd point is insurance will pay if you need reimplantation surgery. The facts are penile implant surgery isn't for everybody just as viagra, cialis, caverject, trimix, VED is the perfect answer for every man's impotence. You especially, but also include your partner in on this decision, have to have the last say on what is right for you and for improving and enhancing your sexual experiences. Always get a second opinion if you are unhappy with the first answer you receive from your doctor. And get your second opinion from a doctor that belongs to a different medical group. Don't get stuck with a group opinion. So here below is the post I received.
--- In, "busyman66204"
> Hello Bob
> Congratulations on the implant, especially the new model.
> I saw a Dr. on Tuesday, he is a Urologist, and does these
> operations.
> First he told me insurance would not pay for any of this.
> I told him this is not for Sex, or Reproduction, is for impotence,
> and the fact that I can not get an erection is enough.
> He told me this would not satisfy the insurance company.
> I informed him I belong to the "Impotence Support Network"
> and this is what is needed!
> He told me every bad thing that can and will happen with the
> operation. All the swelling, PAIN, Time off work. Possibility of
> infection.
> I told him I wanted to go through with the operation.
> He then told me I was right, for "Organic Impotence" insurance
> pay.
> But because I am only 43 years old, he had a bad feeling
> a future lawsuit and refuses to operate on me.
> He said we live in a "sue happy" Society, and he was not
> to take a chance. Also I am to "Young for this operation.
> He refered me to a friend of his, and on the 14th I will see
> his friend will help me.
> Are you happy with your Dr???
> Do you think he takes Blue Cross/Blue Sheild???
> Was the pain really unbearable???
> As the life of this mechanism is only 12-16 years, does the
> idea of going through this again to replace it, make you shudder?
> Thank you for sharing this information!
> Sincerely, Busyman
My reply to Busyman
I thought I’d drop you a personal email. I’m going to make a guess that 66204 is your zip code and you live in Overland Park. My doctor’s name is Dr Stephen Weinstein and he is a University of Missouri, Hospitals & Clinics affiliated Urologist and Surgeon here in Columbia, Mo. Dr Weinstein is about 60 years old and I know a lot about his reputation as a surgeon and he is as good as it gets. So if you want to see a Urologist who will do your surgery, I will recommend Dr Weinstein. You are only a 2 hour drive from Columbia. To call for an appointment, you call the Urologic Surgery Clinic at University Hospital at 573-882-1151. From the time I made my first appointment to day of surgery was just 3 weeks. They will schedule you for about a half day to run blood tests, EKG, and an appointment with Dr Weinstein personally and to talk to anesthesiology. He will show you several different implants that are from AMS. He will tell you that they don’t implant Mentor implants. I will tell you that he likes the AMS Ambicor two piece implant. A recent article in the Journal of Urology does show some pretty good numbers for safety and reliability of the Ambicor implant. I chose the AMS 700 Ultrex because it’s numbers are also pretty good as well. The Ultrex expands in girth and in length and takes advantage of expanding your penis to whatever the maximum girth and length your penis can be. Dr Weinstein will leave the decision up to you on which implant you want. The Ultrex that I received, as you know, has a smaller, and more reliable pump revision which has an easier pump mechanism. It’s also has an easier deflation button and is very similar to the pump on the Ambicor. On your day of surgery, you will be prepped, have your surgery, and remain in the hospital overnight,aAnd be discharged the afternoon of the next day. They accept Blue Cross-Blue Shield insurance at University Hospital. This I know from personal experience. The University Hospital is a teaching hospital so Dr Weinstein will do your surgery but will be assisted by one or two of his resident surgeons. I met two, one a woman and one a man who were part of my surgery team. Because AMS sent the wrong implant as AMS overnights them, my surgery was postponed to later that day and the AMS Office in St Louis was called and a surgical rep brought it to Columbia and stayed for and advised Dr Weinstein during my surgery. Dr Weinstein had already done one surgery before I was scheduled for surgery, he then did an infected nephrectomy (kidney removal) that developed complications, and then did my surgery at 7:00 pm and had another surgery scheduled after my surgery which he did. I was amazed when I found this out, but one of the anesthesiologist that I know personally, told me that this isn’t unusual for Dr Weinstein. That he is an amazing surgeon. He did my vasectomy 20 years ago this August, and I mentioned that to him. I asked him how long he planned on doing w2hat he was doing and he told me that he hoped for a good long time. “I love what I’m doing and as long as I’m having fun and feel as good as I am, why retire and go home and rust. This keeps me young”.
Check out my blog. The pictures of my genitals looks awful, but I’m not in pain. Urination is not uncomfortable. As far as anybody at work knows, I’ve had hernia surgery. Having hernia surgery involves the same area of the body. Recovery is the same for both. And there is no embarrassment with hernia surgery. Nobody needs to know your business. I’m taking a chance of everyone finding out about my surgery from my blog online. If they find out, then so what. If Viagra, levitra, cialis and shots aren’t working, then it is time for an implant. If I have to go under the knife to replace my implant, then that’s what I’ll do. Swelling, bruising, oh my. I’ve had more pain with a broken arm. Infection, my implant is coated with antibiotic to reduce the threat of infection. Let’s see a lifetime of no sex or being reimplanted because of infection. I’d like to hear a doctor use the infection argument on me. I’m not afraid to speak my mind to a doctor. I’d walk out and let your insurance company know how dissatisfied you are with this doctor.
Keep in touch with me and let me know how you come out.
Friday, June 1, 2007
3rd Day Post Op
I had a good night sleeping last night and got a good 8 hours of sleep. I took two vicodin at bedtime, stuck a heating pad in a pillow, and kept it between my legs all night. From my pictures, my swelling and bruising have increased considerably. This swelling and bruising increased all day yesterday to the point where you see the pictures showing what I looked like. Trust me, my genitalia looks like it has been in a train wreck. But surprisingly there is no pain. I'm taking two Alieve every six hours. I did call my doctor today about the bruising and swelling and was reasured that what I am exoeriencing is normal. To bad they didn't warn me about it. I thought long and hard about posting 3rd day pictures because they do look bad. I don't want to scare anyone out of getting an implant because of these pictures. They really do look uglier than it feels. I promised you honesty and I want to furnish good information on my experiences going through everything relating to my penile implant surgery. What I have experienced up to this point is pretty typical of other implantees. I correspond with group members on the Penileimplant group on Yahoo at:
This group is a good source of information from other implantee's. My hope is that you the reader are finding good information on my Penile Implant Blog that is factual, meets your informational needs, and fills in the informational needs that I can assure you doesn't get covered or told to you by the doctor or information from any other websites. Too many websites give you cold clinical information on the implant itself, but leaves out information about what to expect before, during, and after surgery itself. I hope I fill that void for you. Welcome to my blog. I hope you go back and read my earlier posts.
Best regards