Saturday, June 2, 2007

Day 4, Post Op Implant surgery

Dear Readers:
I'm copying from a post to me on Yahoo Penile Implant Support website from a man who needs and sincerely wants to have implant surgery. But as you can see and read, he is getting the Royal Runaround from his doctor who happens to be a Urologist. This is awful, but realistically, doctors are gunshy because of law suits. Lawyers are in fierce competition for cases which is income for them. They are doing their jobs. We don't need to change the lawyers, just the criteria for what constitutes a valid suit. Second point is insurance will pay for an implant of anyone who has demonstrated organic impotense. There is no requirement that you have to try everything else first and have it fail before paying for the implant. 3rd point is insurance will pay if you need reimplantation surgery. The facts are penile implant surgery isn't for everybody just as viagra, cialis, caverject, trimix, VED is the perfect answer for every man's impotence. You especially, but also include your partner in on this decision, have to have the last say on what is right for you and for improving and enhancing your sexual experiences. Always get a second opinion if you are unhappy with the first answer you receive from your doctor. And get your second opinion from a doctor that belongs to a different medical group. Don't get stuck with a group opinion. So here below is the post I received.

--- In, "busyman66204"
> Hello Bob
> Congratulations on the implant, especially the new model.
> I saw a Dr. on Tuesday, he is a Urologist, and does these
> operations.
> First he told me insurance would not pay for any of this.
> I told him this is not for Sex, or Reproduction, is for impotence,
> and the fact that I can not get an erection is enough.
> He told me this would not satisfy the insurance company.
> I informed him I belong to the "Impotence Support Network"
> and this is what is needed!
> He told me every bad thing that can and will happen with the
> operation. All the swelling, PAIN, Time off work. Possibility of
> infection.
> I told him I wanted to go through with the operation.
> He then told me I was right, for "Organic Impotence" insurance
> pay.
> But because I am only 43 years old, he had a bad feeling
> a future lawsuit and refuses to operate on me.
> He said we live in a "sue happy" Society, and he was not
> to take a chance. Also I am to "Young for this operation.
> He refered me to a friend of his, and on the 14th I will see
> his friend will help me.
> Are you happy with your Dr???
> Do you think he takes Blue Cross/Blue Sheild???
> Was the pain really unbearable???
> As the life of this mechanism is only 12-16 years, does the
> idea of going through this again to replace it, make you shudder?
> Thank you for sharing this information!
> Sincerely, Busyman

My reply to Busyman


I thought I’d drop you a personal email. I’m going to make a guess that 66204 is your zip code and you live in Overland Park. My doctor’s name is Dr Stephen Weinstein and he is a University of Missouri, Hospitals & Clinics affiliated Urologist and Surgeon here in Columbia, Mo. Dr Weinstein is about 60 years old and I know a lot about his reputation as a surgeon and he is as good as it gets. So if you want to see a Urologist who will do your surgery, I will recommend Dr Weinstein. You are only a 2 hour drive from Columbia. To call for an appointment, you call the Urologic Surgery Clinic at University Hospital at 573-882-1151. From the time I made my first appointment to day of surgery was just 3 weeks. They will schedule you for about a half day to run blood tests, EKG, and an appointment with Dr Weinstein personally and to talk to anesthesiology. He will show you several different implants that are from AMS. He will tell you that they don’t implant Mentor implants. I will tell you that he likes the AMS Ambicor two piece implant. A recent article in the Journal of Urology does show some pretty good numbers for safety and reliability of the Ambicor implant. I chose the AMS 700 Ultrex because it’s numbers are also pretty good as well. The Ultrex expands in girth and in length and takes advantage of expanding your penis to whatever the maximum girth and length your penis can be. Dr Weinstein will leave the decision up to you on which implant you want. The Ultrex that I received, as you know, has a smaller, and more reliable pump revision which has an easier pump mechanism. It’s also has an easier deflation button and is very similar to the pump on the Ambicor. On your day of surgery, you will be prepped, have your surgery, and remain in the hospital overnight,aAnd be discharged the afternoon of the next day. They accept Blue Cross-Blue Shield insurance at University Hospital. This I know from personal experience. The University Hospital is a teaching hospital so Dr Weinstein will do your surgery but will be assisted by one or two of his resident surgeons. I met two, one a woman and one a man who were part of my surgery team. Because AMS sent the wrong implant as AMS overnights them, my surgery was postponed to later that day and the AMS Office in St Louis was called and a surgical rep brought it to Columbia and stayed for and advised Dr Weinstein during my surgery. Dr Weinstein had already done one surgery before I was scheduled for surgery, he then did an infected nephrectomy (kidney removal) that developed complications, and then did my surgery at 7:00 pm and had another surgery scheduled after my surgery which he did. I was amazed when I found this out, but one of the anesthesiologist that I know personally, told me that this isn’t unusual for Dr Weinstein. That he is an amazing surgeon. He did my vasectomy 20 years ago this August, and I mentioned that to him. I asked him how long he planned on doing w2hat he was doing and he told me that he hoped for a good long time. “I love what I’m doing and as long as I’m having fun and feel as good as I am, why retire and go home and rust. This keeps me young”.
Check out my blog. The pictures of my genitals looks awful, but I’m not in pain. Urination is not uncomfortable. As far as anybody at work knows, I’ve had hernia surgery. Having hernia surgery involves the same area of the body. Recovery is the same for both. And there is no embarrassment with hernia surgery. Nobody needs to know your business. I’m taking a chance of everyone finding out about my surgery from my blog online. If they find out, then so what. If Viagra, levitra, cialis and shots aren’t working, then it is time for an implant. If I have to go under the knife to replace my implant, then that’s what I’ll do. Swelling, bruising, oh my. I’ve had more pain with a broken arm. Infection, my implant is coated with antibiotic to reduce the threat of infection. Let’s see a lifetime of no sex or being reimplanted because of infection. I’d like to hear a doctor use the infection argument on me. I’m not afraid to speak my mind to a doctor. I’d walk out and let your insurance company know how dissatisfied you are with this doctor.
Keep in touch with me and let me know how you come out.


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